Raspberry Pi Linux Computer Hits Manufacturing Snag

Well, it can’t be all gumdrops and rainbows; the folks behind the tiny $25 Raspberry Pi Linux-based computer, a trendy item in tech circles that saw demand immediately outpace supply when it went up for preorder, announced that due to a small manufacturing problem, the first wave of Raspberry Pis will be delayed.

According to a company blog entry, the issue was due to “a hardware parts substitution that was made in the factory by accident: specifically, where we’d specified jacks with integrated magnetics in the BOM and schematics, the factory soldered in non-magnetic jacks.”

One of these is not like the other, which was the problem

Without the magnetic jacks, there could be no network connection. The problem is a relatively easy fix--take off the wrong jack and solder on the right one--but it’s apparently taken the group several days to identify and troubleshoot the problem and ensure that noting else was affected as a result.

Later batches may also be delayed slightly, but the Raspberry Pi team is working hard to make up for lost time. If you’re one of the first in line for your Rasperry Pi, you’ll have to wait just a little bit longer.