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LG introduced its first LTE-enabled tablet, the Optimus Pad LTE, with an initial launch limited to Korea. (Presumably, the rest of the world will get its hands on the device soon, too.) The Optimus Pad LTE has a dual-core/dual-channel 1.5GHz Qualcomm chip and runs Android 3.2 (Honeycomb). Other features include expandability of up to 32GB... Read more...
LG fans will be excited to hear that the successor to Verizon Wireless' Revolution may be on its way. A leaked press shot of the yet-to-be announced LG Spectrum has appeared. Although you can't tell much from the pictures, Pocketnow believes the phone will feature 4G LTE connectivity, a 1.5GHz dual-core processor... Read more...
A recent complaint filed against Apple by the unknown company Operating System Solutions alleges that the company's method of fast-booting OS X violates a patent. At first glance, the lawsuit seems no different than other patent troll cases that litter the legal landscape--but there are a few oddities that hint at a... Read more...
LG and AT&T are teaming up to offer the first smartphone for AT&T’s prepaid offering GoPhone. With this smartphone, customers will be able to choose from new data packages without having to commit to a long-term commitment. The new LG Thrive and its post-paid counterpart, the LG Phoenix, will be available on April 17. Both phones... Read more...
We've heard on more than one occasion lately that Android is picking up serious steam in the smartphone market. Even though Apple recently launched the iPhone 4 with iOS 4, the Antennagate issue as well as fantastic hardware from the likes of Samsung, LG, HTC and Motorola have given people a reason to choose an alternative. Android is available... Read more...
It's just the thing to do these days, isn't it? If you have a phone, you best have an App Store. It worked for Apple, it worked for Google, and it just might work for LG. Maybe. It's safe to say that most app markets outside of the Apple App Store and Android Market are fairly dead to the outside world, though Palm's WebOS market showed signs... Read more...
We're going to be up to our eyeballs in tablets this holiday shopping season if every company who promises to release a slate in 2010 comes through. That's potentially bad news for Apple, and maybe great news for LG, the latest electronics maker to announce plans to release a tablet before the end of the year. Unfortunately for us, that's... Read more...
Android 2.2, otherwise known as "Froyo," is Google's next big leap in the mobile OS realm. It has just started rolling out to Nexus One owners, bringing native Tethering support as well as a refreshed home screen, improved performance and a Web browser that can handle Flash. Needless to say, it's an update that every Android user wants, and... Read more...
We've discussed OLED displays and their eternal position as five years away in the past, but a manufacturer has stepped forward claiming that OLED's really are coming in 2011 from the likes of Samsung and LG. These won't be any 11" screens for $2000, either—we're talking displays up to and including 42". This... Read more...
The hottest mobile chip in town is Qualcomm's blazing fast Snapdragon processor, which LG has managed to catch and stuff inside its latest Android-powered smartphone, the Optimus Q. While the Chocolate had long begun showing its age, the Optimus Q brings to the table several modern amenities, including an AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, touch-sensitive... Read more...
Don't go writing the obituary for Windows Mobile 6.5 just yet, not with the LG Fathom hitting Verizon Wireless business sales channels this Thursday. Verizon said it would begin selling the LG Fathom  online and in Communications Stores beginning June 3 for $150 after a $100 mail-in-rebate (in the form of a debit card) and with a new... Read more...
LG has been rather quiet when talking specifics about their new Ally smartphone. Ever since Iron Man 2 became the most promoted thing in America, the company has been dropping hints here and there about what exactly the Android-powered phone would bring. Today, Verizon Wireless moved to remove the mysteries surrounding it, but given that the... Read more...
LG is launching its first Android-powered phone, the LG Ally. In addition to launching the new phone, LG is teaming up with Marvel Studios to launch a multi-platform marketing campaign for the phone and the upcoming summer film Iron Man 2. As part of the marketing campaign, you'll get a special edition Iron Man 2 comic book when you buy an... Read more...
We still aren't sure we've warmed to the name "Cookie" for a phone line, but considering just how well the "Chocolate" line did for LG, we guess we can't blame them for continuing the tradition of naming their handsets after treats. The latest from the company might just be a serious contender in the smartphone space, with the Cookie Gig boasting... Read more...
Mobile World Congress 2010 just wrapped up over in Spain, but with smartphones making such an impact these days, we don't expect the news flow surrounding them to subside anytime soon. One phone that wasn't talked about in Barcelona was LG's Arena, but it's definitely making itself known here in the U.S. It's one of... Read more...
Think you thumbs are quick? Think again. LG, which has long been a supporter of finding out just who exactly can text the fastest in this zany world of thumb-friendly communicators, has just announced that Yeong-Ho Bae, 18, and Mok-Min Ha, 17, of South Korea are the (new) fastest texters on the planet. Hear that? On the planet! The duo defeated... Read more...
Sprint and LG are refreshing the wireless carrier's lineup with two new touchscreen phones, the LG Lotus Elite and LG Rumor Touch. As successors to the popular LG Lotus and LG Rumor phones, these two new phones add a touchscreen and other new features. The LG Lotus Elite will feature the Sprint One Click user interface which lets users personalize... Read more...
Mobile DTV quietly became a reality in the United States earlier this year, and now LG Electronics is hoping to be one of the first company's to market with equipment to take advantage of the broadcasting protocol. As the new year kicks off, LG is introducing the planet's first "portable, battery-operated mobile DTV in the United States,"... Read more...
Out with the rumors, in with reality. LG Display has just announced that it will be grabbing this whole 3D revolution by the horns, and if you have any doubts, we'd say that its intentions to produce the world's first commercial launch of a 3D LCD panel with a Full HD resolution should be them to rest. In the past, we've seen both 3D HDTVs... Read more...
Up until now two major things have evaded AT&T: an Android phone and Snapdragon. If you're unfamiliar with the second, Snapdragon is a new mobile CPU that can be clocked as high as 1GHz, and the phones based on that CPU are understandably quick. Starting this week, AT&T will at least be able to say that it stocks a 1GHz smartphone... Read more...
You'd think that with all the netbook competition in America, LG--a widely known company in the consumer electronics arena--would have an option in the mix. Amazingly, they don't. Well, they do now, but they didn't up until today. As with the Samsung Go, the LG X120 is making its official debut on AT&T's netbook, as it will be yet another... Read more...
Oh, the elusive OLED HDTV. OLED displays have been around in some form or another for years now, and they've been in a multitude of gizmos for just about as long. But one device that the OLED has strayed away from is the big-screen HDTV, and the #1 reason is cost. Without question, making a 42" OLED HDTV would cost an... Read more...
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