Search Results For: canonical.aspx

As recently as last month, it appeared that the Ubuntu smartphone would be delayed until 2015, but suddenly Canonical announced that it has secured manufacturing deals that will being the handset to market yet this year. Canonical has agreed with Spain’s bq and China’s Meizu to market the Ubuntu smartphone... Read more...
If Canonical is ever going to establish Ubuntu Touch as legitimate contender among mobile operating systems, it's a journey that won't truly begin until sometime next year. That's because the first Ubuntu Touch smartphone isn't likely to launch before 2015 even though Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth said last... Read more...
We haven’t heard much from Canonical about its Ubuntu for mobile since its ill-fated $32 million crowdfunding attempt, but it appears that the company has finally found a hardware partner for its mobile operating system. Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth dropped the news to CNET: "We have concluded our first... Read more...
Looking for a change of scenery on your desktop? Want to see what all the fuss is over Linux? New and seasoned vets alike are invited to download and install Ubuntu 13.10 for desktop (and smartphone), Canonical's latest version of its open source operating system. According to Canonical, Ubuntu 13.10, or Saucy Salamander, is Ubuntu's first... Read more...
First, let’s get this out of the way: Canonical’s tantalizing Ubuntu Edge superphone is not going to happen. The company’s Indiegogo campaign to raise $32 million, which we’ve written about a time or two, didn’t hit its intended goal. In fact, despite smashing a crowdfunding record with... Read more...
When the Pebble smartwatch hit Kickstarter looking to raise $100,000, nobody could have guessed that it would annihilate crowdfunding records and end up generating $10,266,845 in pledges. It’s far less surprising to see Canonical’s Ubuntu Edge superphone--a smartphone with tantalizing features--rack up the... Read more...
Canonical announced that its Ubuntu Edge superphone has a permanent (until the end of its fundraising campaign) price tag of $695. “No limited quantities, no more price changes,” reads a post. “You wanted a more affordable Edge, and now you’ve got it.” It’s a pricey device, no doubt about it, but the Ubuntu... Read more...
Canonical is taking a progressive, innovative approach to its invasion of the mobile industry. We’ve seen its Ubuntu for mobile in action, and the OS is slick and smooth, but the company is working on hardware, too, which is taking the form of the Ubuntu Edge smartphone. It’s still a prototype, but the... Read more...
Whether it’s for the lulz (as they say) or for more nefarious reasons, the Ubuntu forums have been hacked. Canonical posted the message via a splash page where the forum site is usually located. “There has been a security breach on the Ubuntu Forums,” reads the page. “The Canonical IS team is... Read more...
The "Unity Dash" in Ubuntu has always been designed around the goal of delivering relevant information to the user, but come version 13.10, due out in October, things are about to become vastly improved. With that release will come 50 brand-new "Scopes", along with a "SmartScope" filtering service. With these, users... Read more...
When Canonical debuted its "Ubuntu Tablet OS" last week, company CEO Mark Shuttleworth helped show off its many features in a six-minute video. And what we saw at CES2013 first hand was impressive - an OS that tries to do things a bit different, and uses all four edges to make navigating the OS' different functions an... Read more...
It’s not the first Dell notebook running Ubuntu, but the latest model that Canonical is talking up differs from past Ubuntu laptops in that this is a Dell XPS 13 packed with killer components. All too often, Ubuntu gets plopped onto lower-end notebooks (see: the entire failed netbook craze), but this one rocks... Read more...
It’s a big day for Canonical, maker of Ubuntu; in addition to today being the official launch of the Ubuntu-optimized Steam for Linux client, the company announced that the Touch Developer Preview of Ubuntu for smartphones will be coming on February 21st (along with tools for flashing devices). It looks like... Read more...
Although Canonical is still hunting for OEM partners to develop handsets for Ubuntu on smartphones, the OS is alive and well, running smooth and pretty on prototype handsets at CES 2013. The Canonical folks were kind enough to give us a demo, which you can see below: Note in particular the lack of any hardware button... Read more...
Think Ubuntu could make a great tablet OS? So does Canonical, and it sure looks like Canonical is jumping into the tablet OS market today. Ubuntu's website features a giant clock that is counting down to 1PM EST today, with a hint that can only mean touch-friendly Ubuntu tablets are in the future. Actually, it's not too surprising to... Read more...
We’ll be honest, when pondering Ubuntu’s naming scheme, we were quite curious what Canonical was going to use for “Q”. Well, here it is: Quantal Quetzal, the code name for Ubuntu version 12.10, and it’s now available. One of the main focuses of Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal is the integration of the desktop and... Read more...
Almost two months after Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin hit beta, Canonical announced that the final product is ready for download. Precise Pangolin is a long-term release, so users are guaranteed five years of updates and support. Running the Unity GUI, Precise Pangolin users can opt to run office applications... Read more...
If you’re looking for a weekend project, having a go at the latest Ubuntu (beta) release would be a fun one. Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, a long-term support (LTS) release, is now in beta and available for download from Canonical. Being an LTS release, there aren’t a lot of earth-shattering changes, but... Read more...
“In every dual-core phone, there’s a PC trying to get out”, says the tagline on Canonical’s Ubuntu for Android page. It’s true that the specs on high-end smartphones these days are impressive to say the least, with more processing cores, better graphics, more storage, and 4G data speeds... Read more...
In a blog post today, Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth outlined the company’s plans for bringing Ubuntu to pretty much every screen with intelligence that you can possibly have, from your phone to your TV to your kitchen (assuming you have some kind of smart screen device in your kitchen). In the post... Read more...
Canonical’s Desktop Ubuntu releases are on a predictable schedule; the short-term releases are on a 6-month cycle, and every two years a Long Term Release (LTS) rolls out, which Canonical supports for three years with updates and maintenace. The LTS support cycle for Ubuntu Server, on the other hand, extends for... Read more...
Reports from a variety of sources indicate that the forthcoming Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will feature ARM architecture support as well as a variety of cloud features. At the Open Stack conference in Boston this week, Jane Silber, CEO of Canonical (which makes Ubuntu), gave a keynote wherein she teased details of... Read more...