Search Results For: Facebook.aspx

Facebook is tricky. The site layout changes all the time, with menus, settings, and the like moving around, disappearing, reappearing, and being reworked with a slightly different name. Despite that, deleting a post from your Timeline seems mercifully easy: You just click the little icon in the upper right corner of a... Read more...
When you're suddenly launched into money, you have the potential to do some wild things. Not that the Winklevoss twins were ever poor, but after the Facebook ordeal that landed 'em millions, they've started to make a serious name for themselves. They've rekindled a start-up scene in Southern California, and now... Read more...
When it comes to advertising, many companies are understandably picky about where their ads appear. That plug for a minivan makes sense in a mainstream magazine, but it’s a little odd if the same ad shows up near adult content. So Facebook announced today that it’s going to begin pulling ads from Groups... Read more...
Hopefully Google didn't pop the top on expensive bottles of champagne celebrating the $1.1 billion acquisition of Waze, a popular GPS-based turn-by-turn navigational app for mobile that hard drawn interest from a number of suitors, including Facebook. The expensive acquisition has drawn the attention of antitrust... Read more...
You would have to spend an awful long time sitting in front of your mobile device in order to watch every single Instagram video that's been uploaded to date. The new feature was announced earlier this week and users wasted no time playing armchair director. In just the first 24 hours since the video recording and... Read more...
Oh Facebook - couldn't this have come at a better time? Mere weeks after news of NSA's PRISM project being leaked, which is said to involve tight integration with the likes of Facebook and other popular Web entities, we learn of a bug that caused six million user's worth of phone numbers and email addresses being... Read more...
In its annual report, HTC revealed an interesting factoid: Its high-level executives took a huge pay cut, to the tune of about 51%, after disappointing performance in 2012. Indeed, 2012 was a rough one for HTC, as the company saw a declining market share and low earnings after a good 2011; according to the WSJ, the... Read more...
As expected, Facebook dropped a big announcement today pertaining to Instagram and video: starting today, users can share up to 15 seconds of video in essentially the same way they share photos. When preparing to take a photo, there will now be a little movie camera icon you can tap to switch to video mode. Video on... Read more...
Something's brewing at Facebook, and as we reported last week, the social networking service is planning a launch event for June 20, 2013. Early speculation suggested the big reveal would be a news reader, which would fill a ginormous void left by the shuttering of Google Reader. However, sources say Facebook has something else up its sleeve.... Read more...
There may come a day when our children or grandchildren can enjoy their mobile devices with boundless battery life, but that day seems woefully far off. Currently, poor battery life is the bain of all mobile devices; if you don’t have to plug your phone in to make it through the day without it dying... Read more...
Facebook is taking a page out of Twitter’s playbook and rolling out clickable hashtags. This feature addition to Facebook was most definitely inevitable, as it allows the social network to more effectively let people add context to posts about certain subjects. It doesn’t make sense for Facebook to not have hashtag capabilities.... Read more...
If you were the market's leader in maps, what would you do? If you'd seek out one of the hottest GPS mobile apps, then your train of thought would align to Google's. A deal has been rumored for the past week, but it seems certain today: Google has acquired Waze for a cool $1.1 billion, beating out Facebook to the... Read more...
Facebook Home was--sorry, is--an intriguing idea, and it’s not surprising that around a million people downloaded the Facebook-integrated skin and app launcher. However, user ratings for Facebook Home have been less than stellar, and it wasn’t exactly a good sign that AT&T slashed the cost of the HTC... Read more...
There have been two major leaks this past week that we want to talk about. First, news that Verizon turns over all phone call metadata -- the numbers called, dialed, and the duration of the phone call in question -- to the NSA. Second, news that the NSA has agreements with major tech companies, including Apple... Read more...
The "Unity Dash" in Ubuntu has always been designed around the goal of delivering relevant information to the user, but come version 13.10, due out in October, things are about to become vastly improved. With that release will come 50 brand-new "Scopes", along with a "SmartScope" filtering service. With these, users... Read more...
Be careful what you click on, Facebook users. According to security outfit Trend Micro, variants of the info-stealing Zeus malware are "reemerging with a vengeance" and targeting Facebook users with increased tenacity in recent months. A surge of activity was noted in the beginning of February, but instead of leveling off, it continues to... Read more...
Perhaps some users were unaware of this capability, but you can actually download your Facebook data, including all of your wall posts, photos, videos, and so on. According to blogger Damian Yerrick of Angry Math, Facebook has now removed the ability to download your own posts. There are three areas where Facebook... Read more...
Don’t you just hate it when random people spoof you on Facebook and your fans mistake the fake profile for yours? What, that doesn’t happen to you? No worries: Facebook’s latest announcement still applies to you. Sure, you won’t setting up a new “Verified” page or profile, but as a... Read more...
To be honest, we’ve laid awake at night thanking the stars that Facebook wasn’t created until well after we hit adulthood, because some of us were really stupid, immature, and inappropriate our entire lives up until we were into our twenties. (And sometimes, far beyond that.) Younger generations growing up... Read more...
Google looks to be playing some expensive defense against Facebook, as the two companies are vying to buy Israeli satellite mapping startup Waze, reports Reuters. Facebook is reportedly offering $1 billion for Waze, so if Google wants to try and block Facebook from getting into the mobile mapping game, it’s... Read more...
Are teens using social media responsibly? A new study conducted by the Pew Research Center sheds light on how teenagers are using sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as how they view their online privacy both in terms of managing their settings and the level of concern over third-party access to their data. As... Read more...
When Marissa Mayer left Google last year to head-up Yahoo! is its CEO, it seemed likely that one of her main orders of business would be acquisitions. After all, acquisitions are the heart and soul of companies that yearn for noticeable growth, and it's why a day doesn't seem to go by where we don't learn of Yahoo!, Microsoft, Google or other... Read more...
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