Search Results For: 3d.aspx
You heard it here first: 2010 is the year of the tablet, and the year that 3D went overboard. Most of the world hasn't even decided if they want to view content in 3D, and already companies are making extreme efforts to bring more and more of it into the public view. CBS has just introduced its first-ever high-definition 3D projection display...
3D is here to stay, like it or not. Well, it's here to stay for awhile anyway, depending on whether or not consumer demand sticks around to support it. Films like Avatar have proven that there is at least some demand for 3D in cinemas, but the at-home 3D market is still a huge question mark. Evidently Acer doesn't mind the risks, as the company...
DLP-based 3D HDTVs have been around for years now, but those weren't these fancy new advanced sets that were showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show. Now, Samsung is claiming to be the first to mass product 3D TV panels, ones that use "3D Active Glasses" technology.The move marks a bold new step in the march towards making 3D a household...
If there's one thing that's getting massive amounts of attention here at CES, it's 3D. If there's another, it's USB 3.0. VIA, the company responsible for powering all sorts of lower-end computers, has just launched the world's first USB 3.0 hub controller. What's the big deal? The VL810 SuperSpeed USB hub controller enables a single USB port...
The DirecTV 12 satellite just launched into orbit, enabling DirecTV to bring even more HD channels to its users. What else could it bring? A 3D channel, maybe.With the amount of high-def television networks seeming to expand by the day, we know it's just a matter of time before adding HD channels isn't enough to sway consumers over from one...
With just about everyone hopping on the 3D bandwagon (firms like Sony and NVIDIA included), we figured it was only a matter of time before the powers that be granted the 3D specification for Blu-ray the approval it needed to move forward as a serious, backed format. Sure enough, that is exactly what has happened this...
See there, we told you the 3D revolution was underway, didn't we? With LG looking to produce a 1080p 3D LCD and the 2010 World Cup broadcasting at least 25 events in 3D, we knew it was only a matter of time before the chip makers that we know and love around here dove in and joined the bandwagon. AMD has just...
Out with the rumors, in with reality. LG Display has just announced that it will be grabbing this whole 3D revolution by the horns, and if you have any doubts, we'd say that its intentions to produce the world's first commercial launch of a 3D LCD panel with a Full HD resolution should be them to rest. In the past, we've seen both 3D HDTVs...
Up until now, 3D has been mostly a joke. It required unsightly glasses, it was only available in a few places, and most 3D content was hardly entertaining. Today, however, 3D is experiencing a revolution. Movie producers are backing it, cinemas are spending money to support it, and even TV makers are marketing it. Only time will tell if consumers...
You knew it was bound to happen. The 3D revolution started with the TV, but now it's seeping into everything. Cinemas, projectors and now notebook PCs. Before long, we're guessing a 3D version of the Nintendo DSi and Sony PSP will be out and about. All possible kidding aside, Asus has just announced that it'll be matching Acer's 3D laptop...
It's a question worth asking, but the answer is still probably a couple of years out, at best. Will 3D finally make a lasting impression? Unless you've been living under a rock over the past year, you will have noticed that the movie industry, the consumer electronics industry and big time TV makers have all been...
It's unavoidable: 3D is the next big thing in television, whether you believe it or not. With 1080p panels losing their luster in terms of novelty, there's hardly any other feature that TV makers can add to entice you to upgrade. Besides, our current cable and fiber systems can't even deliver content en masse at a resolution above 1080p, so...
What appears to be the first mass-produced 3D web camera looks like a friendly robot. It's actually two cameras that record, according to Hammacher Schlemmer, "slightly differing images" that are then put together as a stereoscopic image. It even comes with five pairs of 3D glasses (those funky cyan/red glasses that used to come in comic books)...
There's no denying that the 3D arena is just blowing up these days, and Vuzix is definitely making a name for itself. The company famous for producing those wacky eye goggles has just announced that it has expanded its 3D support to include field sequential, side by side and 3 formats of anaglyph on its AV Video Eyewear products.There's also...
These days, just about everyone is dipping their toes in 3D. From NVIDIA to Intel to Maingear, 3D is definitely the bandwagon to be on right now. To that end, we've got yet another company trying to make its name in the newly popular arena: 3DFusion. At the Digital Signage Expo in Last Vegas, Nevada, said company has debuted what it's calling...