The installation wizard walks you through setting up the NAS device.
On Windows systems, you can install the WD Discovery Tool, WD Anywhere Backup software, or setup a MioNet account for remote access.
The WD Discovery Tool will display all of the WD drives it finds on the network. When you click on the name of your drive, a Things To Do column on the right side of the window gives you the following options: Configure, Map Network Drive, Browse Network Shares, and Create Desktop Shortcut. Selecting Configure will launch your system's default Web browser and open up to the WD My Book World Edition's web-based Network Storage Manager interface. The Map Network Drive feature will automatically create drive letter mappings for all available network shares. If you use the mapping feature at this early stage, it will only create mappings for the two default public folders: Download and Public. You can also use the software to manually map drive letters to available shares. The Browse Network Shares feature shows you all of the available network folders--which won't be many when you first start out with the device. You might want to wait to map drives until after you've set up your users and folder shares.