Sharing a folder with your Facebook friends.
The last way you can share the content of drives or folders is via social networking. The Sharing window allows you to also send updates to Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace (assuming, of course, that you have accounts on these sites). If you choose one of these options for a folder, then that folder is automatically enabled for pubic viewing and an update appears on your profile page on the respective social networking site(s), stating that the shared folder is available for viewing, with a link to the Public Viewing version of the Pogoplug site for that folder. Some users might use this as way to share photos with their family and friends.
If you do choose to use the DockStar to share content with other users, a few caveats needs to be mentioned. First and foremost is that you need to be careful what you share. You obviously don't want give other users access to highly personal or embarrassing information; so make sure you know what is on the drives, folders, and subfolders that you open up for sharing. Also, it would be ill advised to share content that you don't own the rights to, such as commercial music or movies.
The other thing you need to be mindful of is that when you share content via the DockStar, whenever a user connects to a shared folder, that user is utilizing your upstream bandwidth. If you have lots of users accessing your DockStar who are downloading content and streaming media, and your ISP limits how much bandwidth you can use (for instance, Comcast's 250GB per month limit is an aggregate of your downstream and upstream bandwidth), you could potentially chew through your ISP's monthly allotment pretty quickly. Also, if you generate lots of traffic coming into your DockStar, your ISP might flag you as a business customer and demand that you switch to a commercial account. So share wisely.