OCZ Z-Drive R4 PCIe SSD Performance Preview
CrystalDiskMark Performance
CrystalDiskMark is a synthetic benchmark that tests both sequential as well as random small and large file transfers. It does a nice job of providing a quick look at best and worst case scenarios with regard to SSD performance, best case being larger sequential transfers and worse case being small, random transfers.
OCZ Z-Drive R4 |
Fusion-io ioDrive 160GB SLC
OCZ RevoDrive X2 240GB MLC |
LSI WarpDrive 300GB SLC |
OCZ RevoDrive 3 X2 480GB |
The song remains the same, to quote a Zeppelin title. In sequential and large transfers, the Z-Drive R4 rips every other competitive score to shreds. In small 4K random transfers, the R4 shows competitive write throughput but comes up short in reads versus the Fusion-io card, again with light duty workloads and queue depths. At the 4K and 32 queue depth setup, the Z-Drive R4 drops in behind the more expensive SLC NAND-based LSI WarpDrive, but keep in mind the IOMeter scores you saw earlier. As queue depth scales, the Z-Drive R4 will pull ahead of other solutions rather quickly and by large margins.