MSI P6N Diamond - NV680i with X-Fi Audio

WorldBench 5 - Office XP & Photoshop Performance


PC World's Worldbench 5.0: Office XP SP2 & Photoshop 7 Performance
More Real-World Application Performance

PC World Magazine's Worldbench 5.0 is a Business and Professional application benchmark, that has replaced the aging and no-longer-supported Content Creation and Business Winstone tests in our suite. Worldbench 5.0 consists of a number of performance modules that each utilize one, or a group of, popular applications to gauge performance.  Below we have the results from each module, recorded in seconds.  Lower times indicate better performance here, so the shorter the bar the better.



As we have seen in the Futuremark benchmarks, the MSI P6N Diamond sort of flip-flops around in our testing, leading here and losing there.  Whereas the two P965-based boards basically ran neck-and-neck with each other in both the Office and Photoshop performance runs, the P6N Diamond was two seconds faster on the average when running Office applications, yet 10 seconds slower when working with images in Photoshop.

Tags:  MSI, Audi, Audio, X-Fi, MS, diamond, 680, AM

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