Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200S and Q9550S 65W CPUs


For this next batch of tests, we ran Kribibench v1.1, a 3D rendering benchmark produced by the folks at Adept Development.  Kribibench is an SSE aware software renderer in which a 3D model is rendered and animated by the host CPU and the average frame rate is reported.  We used two of the included models with this benchmark: a "Sponge Explode" model consisting of over 19.2 million polygons and the test suite's "Ultra" model that is comprised of over 16 billion polys.

Kribibench v1.1
CPU-Bound 3D Rendering

Overall, Kribibench seems to tell a similar story as Cinebench, which may be expected since they are both 3D Rendering tests. While both Kribibench and Cinebench test a system's ability to render a 3D scene, they operate very differently. Namely, the Cinebench test only renders a single frame while the Kribibench test renders a short frame rendering sequence entirely on the CPU. The difference in how these two benchmarks work is evidenced by the performance of the Core i7-920. In Cinebench it reigned supreme but we see in our Kribibench results that it is now more in line with its Core 2 relatives. 

Looking at the results, the Core i7 architecture's efficiency doesn't seem to come into play and it actually performs as if it was a Core 2, falling in between the Q9550S and the Q8200S. The Q9550S performs very well in this test although the Phenom II is able to edge it out for the top spot. Once again we see the Q8200S beats out the E8400 thanks to its extra cores, further corroborating that the time for dual-cores at the top of the charts has long past.

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