Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200S and Q9550S 65W CPUs

Cinebench R10 is an OpenGL 3D rendering performance test based on Cinema 4D from Maxon. Cinema 4D is a 3D rendering and animation tool suite used by 3D animation houses and producers like Sony Animation and many others.  It's very demanding of system processor resources and is an excellent gauge of pure computational throughput.

Cinebench R10
3D Rendering

This is a multi-threaded, multi-processor aware benchmark that renders a single 3D scene and tracks the length of the entire process. The rate at which each test system was able to render the entire scene is represented in the graph below.

Our results with the Cinebench R10 benchmark tells us quite a bit about the processors in our test group. The results of the single-core rendering test, shown here in yellow, gives us a good idea of each architecture's clock-for-clock efficiency. Overall, Intel's new Core i7 is the most efficient clock-for-clock. The  Core i7 920 has the second-best single-core result despite having one of the lowest clock frequencies at just 2.66Ghz. It was able to beat out the much higher clocked Phenom II and the 2.83Ghz Q9550S. Here we also see that the Phenom doesn't quite stack up to the Core 2's in terms of clock-for-clock efficiency in Cinebench.

While the single-core results are interesting, the multi-core test is the one that really matters. After all, you don't plan on using only one of your processors cores at a time in a multi-threaded app like this, do you? In the multi-core test we see a similar order of distribution as in our PCMark Vantage results, with the Core i7 920 coming in first followed by the Q9550S, Phenom II, Q8200S and finally the dual-core E8400. Once again, despite a much higher clock frequency, we see the dual-core E8400 losing out again to the Q8200S.

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