i875 Motherboard RoundUp MSI, DFI & Chaintech

i875 Motherboard RoundUp MSI, DFI & Chaintech - Page 4

3-Way i875P "Canterwood" Shoot-Out
MSI, DFI & Chaintech Square Off...

By, Marco Chiappetta
June 18, 2003


How We Configured Our Test Systems:

The first thing we did before testing these motherboards, was enter the system BIOS and set each board to "Load Optimized Defaults" ("Load High Performance Defaults" in MSI's case).  We then configured our RAM to run at 200MHz (DDR400), with the timings set to 2-2-3-5.  The hard drive was then formatted, and Windows XP Professional (SP1) was installed.  When the installation was complete, we hit the Windows Update site and downloaded all of the available updates, with the exception of the ones related to Windows Messenger and Media Player 9.  Then we installed all of the necessary drivers, and removed Windows Messenger from the system altogether.  Auto-Updating and System Restore were disabled as well, and we setup a 768MB permanent page file on the same partition as the Windows installation.  Lastly we set Windows XP's Visual Effects to "best performance", installed all of our benchmarking software, defragged the hard drive and ran all of the tests. Now, onto our results...

HotHardware Test Setup
The Cream on the Crop

Common Hardware:
Intel Pentium 4 Processor 3.0GHz / 800MHz System Bus
512MB (256MB x2) Corsair XMS3200C2

  • Default Clock Speed - Timings: 2-2-3-5

  • Overclocked Speeds - Set by SPD

ATi Radeon 9700 Pro
Seagate Barracuda V 7200 RPM SATA 120GB Hard Drive

Common Software / Drivers:
Windows XP with SP1
DirectX 9.0a
ATi Catalyst v3.4
Intel Chipset Software v5.00.1012
Intel Application Accelerator RAID Edition v3.0

Motherboards Tested:
MSI 875P Neo-FIS2R
Chaintech 9CJS

SiSoft Sandra Benchmarks
Synthetic testing

SANDRA, the System ANalyzer, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant, consists of a set of information and diagnostic utilities developed by the folks at SiSoftware. SANDRA isn't only a tool for benchmarking though, it can also provide a host of other useful information about your hardware and operating system. We ran three of the built-in sub-system tests that comprise the SANDRA 2003 suite (CPU, Multimedia and Memory).  All of these tests were run with our CPU set to its default clock speed (3.0C GHz / 15 x 200MHz).






SANDRA's CPU benchmark indicates that all three of the boards tested performed at very similar levels, with roughly a 1% variance between first (MSI) and third (DFI) place.  The Multimedia test tells a very similar story, where again the performance deltas were virtually non-existent.  The Memory bandwidth tests showed the largest performance differences between the three boards, with an approximate 3% delta between the first and third place finishers.  The 875P Neo-FIS2R led the pack, breaking the 5GB/s barrier, with the Chaintech and DFI boards nipping at its heals.

Winstones and PCMark2002 Benchmarks

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