Hercules 3D Prophet 8500 128MB Review

Hercules 3D Prophet 8500 128MB Review - Page 4

Hercules 3D Prophet 8500 128MB Review
RADEON 8500 and All the Trimmings

By -Chris Angelini
July 3rd, 2002

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Relative to the results we've already seen, the 3D Prophet 8500 does much better in 3D Mark 2001.  The ABIT Siluro Ti 4200 64MB is still able to best both ATI cards, but the competition is much closer.

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The ATi Radeon 8500 fares well in both resolutions here.  It was able to beat the GeForce4 Ti 4200 hands down.  Unfortunately, the 3D Prophet is unable to keep pace and is bested by both competing products.

Hercules is an interesting predicament. To begin with, the 3D Prophet 8500 is handicapped somewhat by a memory timing issue, which is supposedly rectifiable.  As a result, competing cards based on NVDIA and ATI processors are able to get an upper hand.  Furthermore, Hercules does not include the same bundle as ATI.  We'd like to see the necessary hardware to take advantage of all of those video output ports.  The 3D Prophet is also more expensive than many of the GeForce4 Ti 4200 boards we have found.  Of course, we also have to consider that ATI's next-generation product is right around the corner.  Once that hits the streets, prices on RADEON 8500 boards will be forced down even further.

The card's main redeeming quality is a knack for overclocking.  Hercules mentioned that board was clocked at 275/275MHz only because a few of their samples wouldn't make the jump to 290/290MHz or even 300/300MHz.  Even if they had, we'd only be seeing performance comparable with what ATI is achieving on their 275/275MHz product.  Hercules clearly needs to fix whatever is ailing the 3D Prophet.  At that point, I'd be more than happy to re-evaluate the performance of the card, especially if it is still able to hit 308MHz with stability (or even higher)!



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Tags:  3D, 8500, hercules, review, view, pro, HET, IE

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