Falcon Northwest Talon Review: A 12-Core Ryzen Powered Battle Station

3DMark Fire Strike has multiple benchmark modes: Normal mode runs at 1920x1080, Extreme mode targets 2560x1440, and Ultra mode runs at a 4K resolution. GPU target frame buffer utilization for normal mode is 1GB and the benchmark uses tessellation, ambient occlusion, volume illumination, and a medium-quality depth of field filter. The more taxing Extreme mode targets 1.5GB of frame buffer memory and increases detail levels across the board. Ultra mode is explicitly designed for high-end and CrossFire / SLI systems and cranks up the quality even further. GT 1 focuses on geometry and illumination, with over 100 shadow casting spot lights, 140 non-shadow casting point lights, and 3.9 million vertices calculated for tessellation per frame. GT2 emphasizes particles and GPU simulations.

Futuremark 3DMark Fire Strike
Synthetic DirectX Gaming

3DMark Fire Strike

fire strike

The 20th Anniversary Talon took the top spot in our 3DMark Fire Strike tests. It's powerful processor and dual GeForce RTX 2080 Supers (running in SLI mode) propelled it ahead of the previous-gen SLI setups and all of the single-GPU powered rigs.

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War Gaming Performance
Glorious Orc-Slaying Vengeance

Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor is a fun and great looking game. We tested the Falcon NW Talon with the Ultra quality preset at both 2560x1440.

shadow of war thumb
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

middle earth

The Falcon Northwest Talon is a gaming system through and through, and our numbers speak for themselves. In Shadow of Modor, the dual graphics cards managed to keep an average frame rate of 139FPS, which is more than enough for a 4K monitor with a high refresh rate.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
DirectX 12 Performance

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is the latest installment in the series for heroin Lara Croft, driven with a revamped DX12 game engine. It also supports visual effects like Ambient Occlusion, Depth of Field, Dynamic Foliage, Bloom shaders, Tessellation and more.
Shadow Tomb Raider
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

tomb raider

We have not been running this benchmark very long, so we don't have a lot to compare the Talon to, but even with the limited competition, it's clear where the Talon stands. When testing Tomb Raider at 4K, the dual RTX 2080 Super graphics netted a 48% performance gain over a single RTX 2080.

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