ATI All-In-Wonder RADEON 9000 Pro

ATI AllInWonder RADEON 9000 Pro - Page 4


ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro
Multimedia and Gaming Power on a Budget

By: Jeff Bouton
May 25th, 2003

More Quake III

First we enabled 2X Full Screen Anti Aliasing, adding a degree of visual quality to the game as well as added stress to each card.  Once again, with each test we set Quake 3 to the High Quality setting and maximized the texture settings.

Well, it sure looks as though the scales tipped in favor of the FX5200 card, but then again, if you follow the history of ATi and nVidia, this will look familiar to you.  Typically Anti-Aliasing has been a strength of nVidia products and a significant weakness for ATi cards.  While the All-In-Wonder did maintain a solid 89FPS at 1024x768, that score was virtually halved at 1280x1024.  The GeForce FX5200 shined, posting triple digit scores at 1024x768 and easily beating the Radeon by 26FPS.

More Quake III
2X FSAA & Maximum Anisotropic Filtering

In our final Quake 3 test we left the 2X FSAA setting alone and maxed out the Anisotropic settings for each card.  Unlike the history with Anti Aliasing, historically Anisotropic Filtering has been a weakness of nVidia cards while ATi has been able to implement the filtering with minimal hit to performance.  We were interested to see how this would remain the same with the newer FX5200 from nVidia.

Much to this reviewers surprise, neither card slipped much with Anisotropic Filtering enabled.  Regardless of resolution, both cards dropped ever so slightly in this test showing both are quite capable of handling Anistropic Filtering.  It's with Anti Aliasing that the picture is quite clear.

Giving Sam the Final Word and Conclusion

Tags:  ATI, Radeon, pro

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