ASUS M3A78-EMH HDMI AMD 780G Motherboard

LAME MT and Compression


 MP3 Encoding Benchmark

Multi-threaded encoding is going to have less to do with AMD’s 780G chipset and more to do with the Athlon X2 4850e sitting on its HyperTransport interface. The comparison here is $89 spent on a dual-core AMD Athlon X2 versus the same amount of money spent on Intel’s Pentium E2200. For our purposes, we used a 622MB copy of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.

We restarted our ASUS-based test bed several times in order to ensure that these results were accurate, and it turns out that the M3A78-EMH HDMI simply edges out the Gigabyte platform we presented in the 780G preview. The even bigger news is that all three AMD-based configurations blow past the Intel G35 setup, driven by a dual-core Pentium E2200 processor.

 Windows .ZIP
 File Compression Benchmarks

Next up, we measured the time it took for Windows to compress a 500MB folder of music, movies, Web pages, and documents of various sizes and timed the operation until it completed. Bear in mind these tests have to be run several times in Vista for accurate results since the operating system has a proclivity for running background tasks that skew performance numbers.

The M3A78-EMH HDMI takes a few seconds longer to compress our 500MB folder full of files than the Gigabyte board, but again all three 780G-based numbers trump the G35 scores.

Tags:  AMD, Asus, HD, Motherboard, HDMI, M3, board, A7, 780, AR, AM

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