AMD Radeon HD 7770 and 7750 GPU Reviews

Just Cause 2 Performance

Just Cause 2
DX10.1 Gaming Performance

Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2 was released in March '10, from developers Avalanche Studios and Eidos Interactive. The game makes use of the Avalanche Engine 2.0, an updated version of the similarly named original. It is set on the fictional island of Panau in southeast Asia, and you play the role of Rico Rodriquez. We benchmarked the graphics cards in this article using one of the built-in demo runs called Desert Sunrise. The test results shown here were run at various resolutions and settings. This game also supports a few CUDA-enabled features, but they were left disabled to keep the playing field level.

The GeForce GTX 560 offered significantly better performance than the new Radeon HD 7700 series cards in the Just Cause 2 benchmark, but the same trend we've seen in the previous tests played out once again.

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