AMD Athlon X2 BE-2350 and BE-2300 "Brisbane" Processors

Cinebench R9.5 & Quake 4 Low Res.

Cinebench R9.5
Single and Multi Threaded

The Cinebench R9.5 benchmark is an OpenGL 3D rendering performance test, based on the commercially available Cinema 4D application.   This is a multi-threaded, multi-processor aware benchmark that renders a single 3D scene and tracks the length of the entire process. The time it took each test system to render the entire scene is represented in the graph below (listed in seconds).


Cinebench yielded little surprises.  The two "Brisbane" based processors returned identical results while the 2GHz Athlon 64 X2 3800+ was a tad slower in each test.

Performance Comparisons with Quake 4

Quake 4
id Software, in conjunction with developer Raven, recently released the latest addition to the wildly popular Quake franchise, Quake 4. Quake 4 is based upon an updated and slightly modified version of the Doom 3 engine, and as such performance characteristics between the two titles are very similar.  Like Doom 3, Quake 4 is also an OpenGL game that uses extremely high-detailed textures and a ton of dynamic lighting and shadows, but unlike Doom3, Quake 4 features some outdoor environments as well. We ran this Quake 4 benchmark using a custom timedemo with the game set to its "Low-Quality" mode at a resolution of 640 x 480 with AA and aniso disabled.


We continued to see a similar trend with Quake 4 low resolution testing where the two "Brisbane" based processors returned the same results while topping the Windsor based 3800+ by half a frame per second.

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