Abit Siluro GeForce Ti4200 w/OTES

The Abit Siluro GeForce Ti4200 w/OTES - Page 4


The Abit Siluro GeForce Ti4200 w/OTES
Taking Value to a New Level

By, Jeff Bouton
October 30, 2002

Serious Sam-TSE & Jedi Knight II-Outcast
A Little Trouble and Insanity OpenGL.

Serious Sam-The Second Encounter:

Serious Sam-The Second Encounter is one of the rare games written with support for either OpenGL or DirectX.  We've found it to be an excellent OpenGL benchmarking utility for stressing a video card's capabilities.  In this round of tests we've included comparison scores from a GeForce4 Ti4600.  We were anxious to see if the Siluro Ti4200 was going to keep up the good work that we saw in the DirectX tests earlier.


The Siluro was able to pull within 3 FPS of the Ti4600, showing that it had no trouble running Serious Sam at 1024x768.  Next stop, 1280x1024.


It looks like the Siluro from Abit is going to have a bit more difficulty keeping up with the comparison card, at least with Serious Sam.  The Ti4200 still put up a solid 102 FPS, 9 FPS short of the top score the Ti4600 posted.  Let's see how the score is affected by 1600x1200.


At 1600x1200 the Siluro slipped 11.2 FPS below that if the Ti4600, but still posted a very playable 77.1FPS.  With Serious Sam the Siluro posted very playable scores at all resolutions although the difference with that of the Ti4600 was greater than previous tests. 

Jedi Knight II-Outcast:

Another excellent OpenGL benchmark is Lucas Art's Jedi Knight II-Outcast.  Let's see how the Ti4200 faired in this round of OpenGL action.


At the 1024x768 the scores were tighter than we had expected they would be, keeping a gap of 3 FPS between the two cards.  Things got a little interesting when we kicked the resolution up to 1280x1024.


Now this is a landslide if we ever saw one.  With the performance the Siluro has been showing thus far, we were caught off guard by this major gap in scores.  With just one step up in resolution, the Ti4200 dropped behind the Ti4600 by almost 37 FPS.  This was by far the widest margin we've seen yet and is because the Ti4200 Siluro OTES is running 64MBs compared to the Ti4600's 128MB.  Because of the low 54.8FPS score, we saw no need to test the card at 1600x1200.

On the next few pages we ran a series of Quake3 scores, but this time we opted to start adjusting the various Antialiasing and Anisotropic settings to see how the card reacted.

More OpenGL with Quake 3-Standard & FSAA

Tags:  GeForce, force, Abit

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