Xbox App On Windows Now Tells You How Long It Takes To Beat A PC Game

This is quite a useful tool, as many people may not necessarily know how much time they need to invest to play and beat a game. Additionally, time to completion is often a driving factor for many gamers as to whether or not they wish to purchase a title. If a game is too short, some gamers may not consider it worth the cost. If a game is too long, then one might consider completion too daunting a task. Of course, all gamers are different, which is why the feature is so useful.
The new feature is already available on the Xbox app for PC. Whether this will be added to consoles is hard to say. All gamers' experiences may be different. Some people who like to take their time and enjoy the beautiful environments presented to them. Others prefer to speed run to completion as quickly as possible. Within the Xbox app all a user needs to do is click on a single-player game of interest, scroll down and they will see estimates of how long it will take for that game to be completed under the details tab. After a few games, a player may get a sense of how their own pace fares against the extrapolated expectations.
The details about how long to beat will be listed as follows in the app.
Main Story (Required)
- You complete the main objectives, just enough to see the credits roll
Main Story and Additional Quests/Medals/Unlockables
- You take your time, discover and complete additional tasks not required
Completionist (100%)
- You strive for every achievement, every medal and conquer all that the game has to offer
- All play styles considered during estimation