Street Fighter 6 May Employ This Clever Trick To Preserve Your SSD Storage Space

hero street fighter 6 kimberly
Modern games are getting big, in terms of storage space. Too big, arguably. Entry-level PCs and game consoles typically have 1TB or less of solid-state storage, and most newly-released games these days aren't satisfied with being installed on spinning rust. Tack on operating system files as well as overhead from formatting and partitioning and you've probably got 800GB or less of free storage.

When games take up 150GB or more apiece you're lucky to have a handful of games installed on your system, and while you can alleviate this somewhat by using external storage, you can't actually play current-gen games from an external device on consoles. That means time-consuming and tedious shuffling of games between external and internal storage when you want to play something you don't have installed.

sf6 bundle
The story mode and create-a-character mode are listed as DLC, but...

There are upgradeable storage options, of course, but it would help a lot if game developers would implement features like what Capcom has done with Street Fighter 6. The upcoming 1-on-1 fighter is certain to be hefty on the file size, with its detailed characters and lush backdrops, but Capcom has seemingly elected to allow players to download the base game content separate from the single-player content.

That means that if you've gotten your fill of the custom-character combat in the Fighting Ground mode, or if you've already completed the World Tour story mode, you can simply remove those to save the storage space. There's no information yet on how big each of the segments will be, but even if the base game takes up the majority of the storage space, the gesture is certainly appreciated.

sf6 editions
... the base game is a "bundle" that includes them. Only $60, too!

Of course, Capcom already did something like this with Street Fighter V, where the story mode came after the game's initial release as a free DLC add-on. You can completely play the rest of the game without the story mode installed, and we expect that this is just another step further in that direction. The nice thing is that, unlike SF V, SF VI is going to have all modes available at launch.

street fighter showcase
There's a showcase coming up on April 20th, this Thursday.

We're quite looking forward to the launch of the next Street Fighter game. As fans of the series, SF V was a step backward in many ways from the classic Ultra Street Fighter IV, and the sixth title looks to be taking the series in all sorts of new directions. The title launches June 2nd on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.