News MacBooks Highlighted by Circuit Brd Orders?
The Commercial Times reported (in Chinese, but translated by Digitimes) that Apple has increased its orders of printed-circuit boards for notebooks by 20 percent, compared to last quarter.
Macs are selling pretty well lately, but that's a stronger boost than would be expected from the usual seasonal patterns, and it's unlikely that Apple would be planning for that kind of boost unless it planned to trot out new hardware this quarter.
There are a few signs that Apple is about ready for new notebooks. Intel has shipped a new notebook processor and chipset, albeit a little late. AppleInsider reported earlier this month that a redesign was imminent, after confirming that a supposed image of new MacBook posted on a message board was genuine.
Also, Apple values the back-to-school shopping season more than just about any other PC company.
Ah yes, back-to-school season is coming. And who can resist the siren call of a new MacBook (well, except for those wedded to Windows, perhaps - though there's always Boot Camp!)?