Apex Legends Hits 50 Million Players In Just One Month, Leaving Fortnite In The Dust
We knew early on that Apex Legends was going to be a bonafide hit. It was announced that 2.5 million people were engaged in the game after 24 hours, and that number hit 10 million in just three days. To put those numbers in perspective, it took Fortnite 2 weeks to pull in 10 million players and a whopping 16 weeks to cross the 45 million threshold.
Thank you to the 50 million players that have shown up in the first month since Apex Legends launched! You have all made this something special and there's much more to come! pic.twitter.com/EoDcjF5q9E
— Vince Zampella (@VinceZampella) March 4, 2019
At this point, Apex Legends is showing no signs of slowing down, and its developers are doing everything in their power to keep that momentum going. Respawn has jumped in early to clobber rampant cheaters that attempted to find loopholes in the game to achieve an advantage over the competition. There’s an also a dedicated QA team to address players concerns, bugs and other issues that pop up during gameplay.
Number of Apex Legends players after:
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) March 4, 2019
8 hours - 1m
1 day - 2.5m
3 days - 10m
1 week - 25m
4 weeks - 50m
Number of Fortnite BR players after:
2 weeks - 10m
6 weeks - 20m
11 weeks - 30m
16 weeks - 45m
The company has even committed to daily updates to keep the community abreast of all the latest happenings regarding the developments in Apex Legends. "We’re going to start doing more regular updates like this moving forward,” said a Respawn community manager last month. “I’ll be making posts daily starting Tuesday next week. Not all of these will be ground breaking or major news but think of it as our way of checking in each day to address what we can.”
The first Battle Pass for Apex Legends along with Season 1 content is expected sometime this month and some of the things we’re expecting include a Spectator Mode, commentators, new heroes and new abilities.
As for Fortnite, it was reported that revenue for the battle royale behemoth plunged 48 percent in January. We’ll have to wait a little while longer to see how the game was affected during the month of February when Apex Legends mania really ramped up.