Items tagged with Twitter

When fun, interesting, or mindblowing (or unfortunately, often mind-numbing) things happen on TV, the chatter about it ramps up on Facebook and Twitter. Names, TV shows, and topics trend, and those analytics help media companies gauge engagement. The old Nielsen ratings system is what it is, but instantaneous, global... Read more...
Another week, another tech-related IPO. While Facebook's stock has been on a long, mostly downward ride since its IPO, it recently surged past its initial offering price. Soon after, its archrival in the social networking space has decided to pull the trigger as well. Recently valued at over $10 billion, Twitter has... Read more...
Data privacy is fast becoming a running joke, and users are the punchline. Following the hoopla surrounding NSA's PRISM program, there's evidence to suggest that even link crawling robots can (and do) violate user privacy by sniffing out URLs included in private messages and emails. Not all sites are guilty of this... Read more...
Vine, the Twitter owned video sharing app that allows users to post 6-second video clips of whatever they want, is now home to over 40 million users, the company announced in a Twitter post. That's not bad for a service that launched around 7 months ago. "We've said this before and we'll say it again: this community -- now more than 40 million... Read more...
Twitter has become a force all its own, and a recent partnership with Nielsen is proof that the social network has mainstream reach, too. Now, a Nielsen research report is suggesting that tweet count does indeed have a link to TV ratings. A new independent study by Nielsen provides, for the first time, statistical... Read more...
Want to surround yourself with sarcastic people with rapier wits and a general disdain for corporate culture? All you have to do is hop online. Better yet, head over to Twitter and witness the Weird Twitter phenomenon. For the uninitiated, Weird Twitter is a loosely connected group of Twitter users who play with... Read more...
As any job seeker can attest, finding work isn't always easy. However, if you have an engineering background, Twitter may be interested in your services. In fact, the microblogging service is looking to hire almost 90 engineers of various types at its San Francisco, Boston, New York City, Seattle, Sunnyvale, and... Read more...
If you're an avid Twitter user, you're probably aware that a few kinks still exist in the system. In terms of apps, one is particularly glaring: Direct Messages that are opened and replied to on one device look as if they're unread on another device. As of today, that's changing. The company has updated seven of its... Read more...
The battle for short video supremacy is heating up, and Twitter has every intention of ensuring its Vine application stays relevant. Hence the latest update to Vine. Not just any update, mind you, but the "biggest, most exciting" one to date, with "even more coming soon," Colin Kroll, co-founder and CTO of Vine... Read more...
TV is about to get a lot more social. Twitter has made no bones about its ambitions to become the go-to source when it comes to mapping out popularity of television programming, and now, Viacom + Twitter have announced a partnership to deliver social video advertising campaigns around the most popular shows and... Read more...
Sorry to break it to social networking curmudgeons, but the Oxford English Dictionary now officially recognizes "tweet" as a noun and verb in the social networking sense. Such is the power and influence of social networking services like Twitter that not only did OED expand its entry for the word tweet, but it broke... Read more...
In the week since word of the NSA's Boundless Informant and Prism programs leaked online, there's been a great deal of concern over to what degree various companies cooperated with the NSA's requests. Some companies, like Google, have pointed to their repeated requests for greater transparency. Twitter, of course, is... Read more...
Twitter is evolving quickly. Very quickly. Lately, it has been integrating things like Vine videos, and adding in-line Promoted Posts to make ends meet. And now, it's challenging users to take an archived look at their Twitter history via a beautiful new visualization. #FollowMe is a platform launched in concert with... Read more...
There may come a day when our children or grandchildren can enjoy their mobile devices with boundless battery life, but that day seems woefully far off. Currently, poor battery life is the bain of all mobile devices; if you don’t have to plug your phone in to make it through the day without it dying... Read more...
Facebook is taking a page out of Twitter’s playbook and rolling out clickable hashtags. This feature addition to Facebook was most definitely inevitable, as it allows the social network to more effectively let people add context to posts about certain subjects. It doesn’t make sense for Facebook to not have hashtag capabilities.... Read more...
For some, the world came to a screeching halt Monday afternoon, from around 1:08pm PDT to 1:33pm PDT. We're talking about Twitter addicts, who had to deal with an unexpected outage and find some other outlet for their barrage of witty 140-character (or less) musings. Oh, the horror! We kid, of course -- Twitter's a... Read more...
Less than five months after it debuted for iOS, Vine is now available for Android, Twitter announced in a blog post today. In case you haven't been following, Twitter snagged the video sharing service last year before it launched. The two are a natural fit, as Twitter encourages succinct posts by limiting tweets to 140 characters or less,... Read more...
Twitter has had more than its share of security breaches on its accounts of late, from the Wall Street Journal and New York Times to CBS to Burger King and Jeep, and now the social platform is addressing security by rolling out login authentication. In a blog post, Twitter’s product security team said, “We... Read more...
If we're being honest, we can all admit to at one time or another suffering from foot-in-mouth disease. Unintentionally saying the wrong thing can happen whether you have the gift of gab or not, and those in the public eye are especially prone to such incidents when every word is scrutinized. Hence Yahoo CEO Marissa... Read more...
Are teens using social media responsibly? A new study conducted by the Pew Research Center sheds light on how teenagers are using sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as how they view their online privacy both in terms of managing their settings and the level of concern over third-party access to their data. As... Read more...
It wasn't too long ago that rumblings had Twitter pining for more users to simply use the Web instead of those third-party tools. Tweetbot, TweetDeck, etc. -- those aren't exactly Twitter's favorite things, strangely. Now, the social network has made it super difficult for new third-party clients to operate, thereby... Read more...
Nowadays, there seems to be a website for everything. But would you believe that there isn't one for the hacktivist group Anonymous? In reality, it's of little surprise, as this is a group that lacks a typical hierarchy - it has no leader, and equal rights among all members. Via social networks, it spreads its... Read more...
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