Items tagged with Rainbow Six Siege
Over the weekend at the BLAST R6 Manchester Major, Ubisoft announced its upcoming R6 Membership, which elicited a round of boos from those in attendance. Ubisoft unveiled the new membership plan during the company’s reveal of the roadmap and plans for Y9S2 - Operation New Blood.
On the online announcement page for...
The Rainbow Six Siege player behind the November 2020 swatting of Ubisoft Montreal was recently handed a three-year sentence that avoids jail time. This seems to be a fairly light sentence given that swatting has not only caused mental health issues, but also has gotten people killed in the past.
On November 13th...
NVIDIA has some good news for a portion of the more than 70 million gamers who play Rainbox Six Siege, the popular competitive first person shooter. There is a new update available that adds support for NVIDIA's Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) technology, and with it comes a performance gain of up to 50 percent...
Ubisoft has announced an update for Rainbow Six Siege called Operation Shadow Legacy. Part of the update brings an iconic character, Sam Fisher from the game franchise Splinter Cell, as a playable operative in Siege. Fisher comes with a new Intel-gathering gadget and a new assault rifle. Operation Shadow Legacy also...
Christmas is almost here, and game publishers and developers have been gifting gamers with some free loot in their favorite games. The latest game to give gamers free loot is Rainbow Six Siege. Players of this game will get one free operator from Year 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the seasonal updates.
The coolest part of it is...
Ubisoft is ramping up its efforts to curb hate speech, including racist and generally toxic comments, in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. The publisher has flipped the switch on a system that automatically doles out instant bans to Rainbow Six Siege players who violate the company's code of conduct in such a manner...
From what we've seen so far, Rainbow Six fans are in for a big time treat. At the E3 convention taking place this week, Ubisoft announced that it's working on Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, the latest and perhaps most ambitious installment yet in the popular franchise. Ubisoft Montreal is heading up the development...