Items tagged with Mozilla

We wrote just a couple of weeks ago that Mozilla was shacking up with Yahoo to replace Google as Firefox's long-standing default search engine, and it didn't take long for the fruits of that relationship to be seen. With today’s release of Firefox 34, Mozilla has pulled the trigger on that move and at the same time... Read more...
Mozilla is a company that cares a lot about developers - especially those who make the Web a better, more exciting place. Over the years, the company's done much to aide developers who work towards that goal, and today, even the standard Firefox browser includes a number of useful tools that can be used to quickly... Read more...
Despite having been available on the market for over two-and-a-half years, it seems like the hype surrounding the Raspberry Pi has waned very little. Every once in a while, we'll be reminded of just how cool and capable the micro-PC is, with one example coming to us just last week, with the announcement that an... Read more...
Hot on the heels of Google making a native 64-bit version of Chrome available back in August, Mozilla has let loose the fact that an official 64-bit build of Firefox is coming. It's about time, too - even Internet Explorer has had a native 64-bit version for quite some time. To be fair, a 64-bit version of Firefox hasn't been hard to come... Read more...
On September 10th, several of the popular websites you visit may appear to have trouble loading content, but that won't really be the case. All those slow loading animations are actually widgets, banners, and animated images provided by BattleForTheNet, a coalition of companies, organizations, and people who have come... Read more...
Low cost and convenient streaming solutions are become pretty plentiful these days. One of our favorites in this category is Google's Chromecast dongle, which we liked at the outset (see our review) and has continued to improve with feature updates ever since. Perhaps inspired by what Google has done, Mozilla is said... Read more...
The Internet is as wide and wonderful as it is dark and dangerous. So many individuals and groups use it as a powerful platform for advocacy, raising awareness, disseminating “dangerous” (to tyrants) ideas, and more, but all too often those entities face threats from actors looking to censor them, knocking... Read more...
One thing is clear: the next area of consumer gadgetry to boom is apt to be extremely refined low-end smartphones. Over the past year, we've seen entrants from BLU, OnePlus, and Motorola (to name a few) that cost under $200 without a contract, yet perform superbly -- even compared to flagship phones costing well over... Read more...
As appreciated as new Web browser versions are, there's often very little for an end-user to pay attention to - unless, of course, bug fixes and back-end enhancements excite you. With Firefox 29, though, Mozilla's delivered a genuinely exciting release - one that's so good, I'm starting to wonder if it's time to make... Read more...
Mozilla promoted its Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chris Beard, to the position of interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO), replacing co-founder Brendan Eich after he stepped down amid a controversy that swept through the Internet. Beard has been with Mozilla since the early days and is considered a "strong candidate"... Read more...
The newly-appointed CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, has decided to step down after a firestorm of criticism erupted when it was made known that he donated $1,000 to support Prop 8, which was a measure to ban same-sex marriage in California. Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker penned a blog post discussing... Read more...
Gay marriage rights is one of the most potent issues of today, and strong feelings from both sides have spilled over into Mozilla’s boardroom. Mozilla promoted Brendan Eich from CTO to CEO last week, but when it was revealed that Eich donated $1,000 to the Prop 8 effort (legislation to ban gay marriage in... Read more...
Firefox OS was a relatively large part of Mobile World Congress 2013, but it's making even bigger news at this year's gala in Barcelona. Firefox OS will soon be planted on seven new commercial devices, enabling it to hopefully scale up in 2014. But, of course, pricing will be the factor that makes or breaks things. At... Read more...
You know those blank tiles on your Firefox homepage when you first start using the web browser? Mozilla is rolling out a program to make it so those tiles aren’t blank anymore; instead, they’ll be filled with ads. The company announced the change in a blog post using language that obfuscates at first blush what’s going on.... Read more...
In Amazing Fantasy #15, an epiphany occurs to Peter Parker after his Uncle Ben is murdered. He learns that "with great power there must also come great responsibility," an altered version of which is later attributed to Ben himself. Regardless of its origin or where you may have first heard the quote, the sentiment... Read more...
It may not make headlines very often, but rest assured, Mozilla is hard at work developing its Firefox OS, which it will undoubtedly show off at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona next month. Mozilla's hope is that more Firefox OS devices will penetrate the market, and getting the OS onto tablets is a big step... Read more...
Mozilla's efforts to flesh out and promote its Firefox OS for new mobile devices got a shot in the arm today with VIA announcing an official partnership with the browser and operating system maker. VIA says it will help support and develop Firefox OS for new device form factors, and the company's also providing... Read more...
Geeksphone has been working with Mozilla on Firefox OS handsets since the operating system’s developer preview was in the works, and the company’s Peak and Keon smartphones offer solid specs and features for lower-end devices. Both run on Qualcomm Snapdragon chips, have large-enough displays, and have... Read more...
After the revelations came forth of NSA spying this past summer, few companies jumped to action quite like Mozilla. Without much delay, the company patched-up a specific exploit in Firefox that the NSA had taken advantage of, and since then, it's been amping up security in other ways, such as with disabling cookies by... Read more...
It's only been a few weeks since the first Firefox OS phones were released to retail, and already there's an update to Mozilla's mobile operating system. Depending on how you look at it, that bodes well for the future of Firefox OS, in that it shows Mozilla is committed to the operating system (Mozilla previously... Read more...
There aren't too many software sectors that are changing, tweaking, and innovating as fast as the browser sector. Mozilla's Firefox is fighting for mindshare and marketshare against the likes of Safari, Internet Explorer and Google's Chrome, and given that the true future of the Web is likely on the mobile, it's hardly a surprise to see a... Read more...
Mozilla's touch-friendly version of Firefox intended for Windows 8 tablets has graduated out of the Nightly development channel and is now available to download from the browser maker's Aurora channel. The next step is to release a beta build before a final coat of polish is applied to a stable release. In the... Read more...
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