Items tagged with machine learning

We've talked a lot about "machine-learning" over the past couple of years, and it's for one good reason: small and large companies alike are taking it very seriously. Just a couple of weeks ago, we reported that Yahoo released a huge 13.5TB trove of data to be used for machine-learning, and at the same time, we... Read more...
The digital landscape has evolved quite substantially over the past decade, primarily due to smart devices taking over our lives. Beyond that, "machine-learning" has also become a major force with many top-flight companies, with many of them seeing a lot of value (ultimately, revenue-wise) in churning through big data... Read more...
By now, it should be clear that machine-learning is turning into big business for the biggest corporations. We learned back in September that Apple is on a hiring spree to bring in some good talent, and Amazon even leases out the fruits of its efforts for researchers to take advantage of. Even more recently, we... Read more...
In the world of machine-learning, there are few companies putting as much effort into its progression than Google. We learned just a few weeks ago about one of Google's "signals" called RankBrain that helps handle our most outlandish search requests, and today, we learn of TensorFlow, an important learning library... Read more...
As we wind down 2015, it's not hard to see some trends arise when looking back at the months leading us up to this point. Right from the get-go, an obvious trend with the biggest companies out there has been the adoption of machine-learning techniques. While machine-learning isn't new, it's now being treated as... Read more...
It might sound like a buzzword that's come out of nowhere, but "machine-learning" is big business. It's a business of ultimate importance, even - one that Google, Amazon, even NVIDIA, and now Apple are trying to capitalize on and become better at than their competitors. In the past few months alone, we've seen... Read more...
It might sound odd, but what if the only way to rapidly improve something was to kill off most of what we have? We're talking something so grim, I almost hate to write it: mass extinction. The idea is that if a large part of the population is purged, it'll inevitably speed up the evolutionary process of surviving... Read more...
Machine-learning can be used for a wide variety of things, but I admit one I never thought of was humor. No, not to tell jokes (though we've seen proof of how humorous that can be through Siri and Cortana), but instead churning through tons of jokes and deciphering which ones are the best, and ultimately, being able... Read more...
Computer learning has helped a multitude of different technologies become a reality, with one in particular being emotion-detection. Most examples I've seen in the past have been simple, though, such as being able to detect a smile or a frown - something that shouldn't be that challenging. But with today's super-fast... Read more...
We may not have even hit the middle of 2015 yet, but it seems certain that one of the most-used tech buzzwords of the year is going to be "machine learning". While the idea behind getting computers to teach themselves is nothing new, the focus on it has been recently amplified. At March's GPU Technology Conference... Read more...
Machine learning and artificial intelligence aren't easy things to grasp, but both are critically important for technology to march on, our surroundings to get smarter, and the digital assistants within our phones to become more useful. Microsoft Research and NVIDIA are teaming up this week to showcase what's possible... Read more...
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