Items tagged with machine learning

Google is heavily invested in artificial intelligence, one of the hottest fields in tech right now right alongside machine learning, the two of which are tightly intertwined with one another. As part of its ongoing effort in AI, Google's DeepMind team has opened up an AI research office in Edmonton, Canada. This is... Read more...
Your Tinder profile may be getting some unwelcome attention, since a machine learning platform recently uploaded facial data from roughly 40,000 Tinder profiles. The data is available on GitHub and has been uploaded under a CC0: Public Domain License. The data set “People of Tinder” was released with six... Read more...
We have been talking about benefits of machine-learning investments for quite some time. There's simply an incredible amount of potential and opportunities that can come from these learning machines - especially where the medical field is concerned. IBM's Watson might have been one of the first major computers to be... Read more...
If you’re a regular user of Google Photos, then you know that the app and online version of the service uses machine learning to “put a name to a face”, making it easy to organize or search for photos by typing in a person’s name. Or you could type in the search term “beach”, for example, to bring up some photos from... Read more...
Watch out world, machines are beating flesh and blood opponents in a variety of different contests. There was Watson, a smarty pants question answering system developed by IBM that took on and defeated the world's best Jeopardy opponents. Then Google's DeepMind division built an artificial intelligence program called... Read more...
According to Google, more than half of the world's population is still without Internet access. One of Google's ambitious goals is to change that statistic. That's no easy task for several reasons, one of which is that some locations are just too remote for ISPs to set foot in. Google has been experimenting with... Read more...
You don't need to look very far to see examples of how machine- and deep-learning could enrich our lives. You might be surprised, given how often we hear about deep-learning nowadays, that most companies have only been utilizing the technology to a notable degree for the past couple of years - including Amazon... Read more...
In no uncertain terms, Facebook says "discriminatory advertising has no place" on the world's largest social network. To keep it off of there, Facebook last fall started providing better education to advertisers about its prohibition against discrimination. It also beefed up the procedures it uses to enforce... Read more...
If you’re a Raspberry Pi developer that is at all interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, we’ve got a treat in store for you. Google is looking to bring its AI and machine learning tools to the Raspberry Pi starting this year, but it wants your help and input to make it happen. Google has... Read more...
These days, machine-learning along with artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly capable, and we're seeing their use applied to things we might not have immediately expected. Case in point: last month, we talked about how AI was being used to craft the most perfect beer. But as wonderous as AI beer may... Read more...
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two intertwined and fast-growing fields that are getting attention from some of the world's biggest technology companies, including Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Google, and now Apple. The latter joins the fray after having published its first AI paper this month (it was... Read more...
If you loathe having to talk out loud when ordering a meal at a fast-food restaurant, and you happen to love KFC, then you might want to start considering packing it up and moving to China where Baidu has just teamed up with the major chicken brand to create a more automated restaurant. At this particular KFC... Read more...
It's clearer than ever that our future is going to include a lot of automation, and that even includes our passenger cars, trucks, and mass transit. Companies like Google, Tesla, and NVIDIA have been working hard to develop technologies that will allow people to drive without even having to pay attention to the road... Read more...
Finally. That's all that can be really said about Apple admitting to the world that it's working on autonomous driving technologies. The company has been infamously, and perhaps infuriatingly mum on the fact that it's been working on such tech, even though there have been a countless number of hints to it. Well, we... Read more...
Google's DeepMind has been working on some truly incredible things over the past couple of years. Just last week, we learned that DeepMind would be teaching itself how to play StarCraft II, which wouldn't be the first time it had a gaming focus. Before Google acquired DeepMind a couple of years ago, its AI was used to... Read more...
IBM has just made available to developers an experimental version of Project Intu, a system agnostic platform that allows for the integration of Watson capabilities into various end-user form factors. With Project Intu, developers can incorporate cognitive experiences into a variety of products and services, including... Read more...
A lot has been accomplished with Google's DeepMind artificial intelligence subsidiary, and it looks like the progress train isn't about to slow down anytime soon. As a quick recap, this year alone we've seen DeepMind take down a Go player, get started on an AI kill switch, attempt to cure blindness, improve speech... Read more...
Let’s face it, cancer sucks! We’re sure that at all of us knows someone who is battling cancer or has lost a friend of close family member due to the perils of cancer. Given that this disease touches just about all of us, it should come as no surprise that billions of dollars are poured into researching cancer and... Read more...
Apple is obviously trying to up its AI game to compete with the likes of Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. The company just acquired Turi, a machine learning platform startup, for $200 million USD, which should help bring in some much needed IP.  Turi began as an open-source project at Carnegie Mellon... Read more...
Google DeepMind recently commenced a new collaboration with the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS). DeepMind is working with Moorfields Eye Hospital in east London. The goal is to create a machine learning system that will be able use digital eye scans in order to recognize sight-threatening... Read more...
Intel Xeon Phi Processor DieIt’s been nearly two years since we first heard about Intel’s next generation Xeon Phi “Knights Landing” processors, which are geared towards the High Performance Computing (HPC) segment. The processors are a big part of Intel’s Scalable System Framework (SSF) and are built on using... Read more...
The concept and implementation of artificial intelligence is nothing new, but with today's computer hardware at our perusal, AI advancement only continues to develop at a rapid pace. Siri and Cortana are both effective AI bots, able to understand a great number of your queries and spit back an answer immediately. As... Read more...
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