Items tagged with iPad-mini
When Strategy Analytics’ tablet market numbers came out a year ago (for Q2 2012), Android tablets nabbed just a bit more market share compared to Apple iPads, to the tune of 51.4% to 47.2%; shipments were 18.5 million for Android and 17 million for the iPad. A year later, things have changed dramatically...
What’s going on with Apple? Earlier this week, a rumor broke that Apple had to push back the release of its 2nd-generation iPad Mini to as late as next year--production allegedly won’t even begin until Q4 2013--and now, it seems that the company will have to push back the release of the iPhone 5S, too...
When the original iPad Mini was unveiled, the entire tech industry understood one thing: there would eventually be another edition with a Retina display. Given that Apple has shown to be quite fond of pixels on displays, it's really just a matter of time before the iPad Mini joins the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch in...
We can’t say that we’re terribly surprised by this, but according to DisplaySearch, smaller screen sizes on tablets are becoming more popular at the expense of larger panels. In the last two months, 7-7.9-inch displays have gained ground in terms of shipments while those in the 9.7-inch range dropped off...
How would you like to sell three million of anything in three days? Just ask Apple how it feels. The company's 4th-gen iPad and iPad mini have only been on sale since November 2nd, but already it has moved three million of them. Oddly, Apple isn't breaking down the split between new iPads and the iPad mini, just...
Blink twice and take a deep breath; there’s more to mention from Apple’s big press event today besides the iPad mini, next-gen iPad, and iMac revamp. There’s a new MacBook Pro on the block, and it’s a 13-inch model sporting a Retina display. Under the hood, the new slim and trim (measuring 0.75...
Back when the iPod touch came out, we thought that it was one of the best things Apple ever came up with; it was inexpensive, incredibly thin and lightweight, offered WiFi, and still ran apps a plenty on iOS. With the announcement of the long-awaited and oft-rumored iPad mini, the iPod touch has a spiritual...
The iPad Mini is still technically a rumor, but it’s all but been confirmed from various inside sources to any numbers of news and rumor outlets. We’re fairly certain that Apple will announce the device in short order, and among the likely true reports are that this smaller iPad will have a 7-inch (or so) form factor and will cost...
The rumors have been flying around so much lately that it’s easy to forget that nothing is set in stone yet--the iPhone 5 September event is unconfirmed, and it’s not yet entirely clear if Apple is actually making a smaller version of the iPad--but there sure are lots of sources telling news outlets lots...
If your appetite for Apple rumors isn’t currently sated, here’s another. According to (the poetically named) iMore, Apple has scheduled an event for September 12th, at which time the company will unveil the iPhone 5, iPad mini, and possibly the next-generation iPod nano. The iPhone 5 (or whatever Apple...
The tell-tale heart of the overseas supply chain strikes again; according to a MarketWatch report, component suppliers in Asia are preparing for mass production of Apple’s oft-rumored “iPad mini”. South Korea’s LG is reportedly making the display, and Taiwan’s AU Optronic Co. is in the mix, as well. Although Apple...