Items tagged with Hardware

After reading the title, you might be thinking, "OMG why does HotHardware hate tablets?!?!" Don't get us wrong, we think tablets are great for what they're designed to do, but when it comes to servicing and/or upgrading parts on your own, they don't hold a candle next to a traditional PC. Teardown after teardown... Read more...
Gamers aren't supposed to be able to get their mitts on Microsoft's upcoming Xbox One console until it launches to retail on November 22, 2013, a week from this Friday, however some lucky individuals received an early surprise. Due to a retail glitch, some Xbox One consoles landed on doorsteps two weeks ahead of... Read more...
A few weeks ago, we covered the news that Microsoft's Xbox One would feature a slightly faster GPU than originally planned, with a boost from 800MHz to something in the 845-855MHz range. Now, it seems the company is giving its CPUs a kick as well. Xbox Chief Marketing Officer Yusef Mehdi spoke at the Citi Global... Read more...
Barnes & Noble may be scaling back its NOOK hardware business as Amazon, Apple and Google eat up whatever remains of the tablet market, but that doesn't mean that it's ditching the brand entirely. The company has just launched a suite of free NOOK Video Apps for iOS, Android and Roku devices. The apps enable... Read more...
According to a joint survey from Intel and IDC, the PC market could see sunnier days in 2014. That's the proposed takeaway from a survey IDC conducted of 3,977 adults across both suburbs and cities. The respondents, who all owned at least one PC or Mac, were organized into two basic groups -- those using a PC 4 years... Read more...
Square has taken the mobile payments world by storm in the U.S., and evidently there has been demand to help make Apple's iPad an actual cash register. As the conventional POS machine begins to see the end of the line, it's devices like the Square Stand that have a chance to take its place. The new device actually... Read more...
It has been quite a while since we last an mSATA solid state drive (SSD) under the microscope. It's actually only been about two years, and if you care to jump into our time machine, you can see what we had to say about Intel's 310 Series mSATA SSD in 80GB form. The idea then was the same as it is now -- to offer full-size SSD features and... Read more...
It has been quite a while since we last put an mSATA solid state drive (SSD) under the microscope. It's actually only been about two years, and if you care to jump into our time machine, you can see what we had to say about Intel's 310 Series mSATA SSD in 80GB form. The idea then was the same as it is now -- to offer full-size SSD features... Read more...
We hear about "open" software all the time, but what about "open" hardware? Not so much. The organization behind the Software Freedom Day, Digital Freedom International, would like to change that, and it's starting by launching - you guessed it - "Hardware Freedom Day. If you love open hardware or belong to a hackerspace, this is definitely... Read more...
PC gaming has long had a reputation for being more difficult to get into than consoles, due to the plethora of potential hardware combinations and the pitfalls of bargain-basement OEM systems. PC gamers are used to seeing minimum game specs that occasionally imply the marketing department lives in an alternate... Read more...
Valve, maker of Steam, has been up to something all year. Back in March, there were rumors that the company was building its own gaming console, but Valve more or less threw water on that. Then in April, there was a Valve job posting looking for electrical engineers who would help produce “new types of input, output, and platform hardware”,... Read more...
One of the side effects of Steam becoming the dominant online distribution platform for PC games is that it gives us a glimpse of what types of hardware computer users are wielding these days. Steam just released its latest collection of hardware stats, and there are some interesting trends taking place. For one... Read more...
Quick! What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Western Digital? If you're like most people, you immediately thought of hard drives and other storage products, which have been WD's bread and butter for several decades now. But the times, they are a changin', and in case you haven't noticed, Western Digital is no longer... Read more...
Quick! What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Western Digital? If you're like most people, you immediately thought of hard drives and other storage products, which have been WD's bread and butter for several decades now. But the times, they are a changin', and in case you haven't noticed, Western Digital is no longer... Read more...
Research firm Gartner isn't saying the sky is falling on the PC industry, but it does note that worldwide PC shipments totaled just 87.5 million units in the second quarter of 2012, representing a decline of 0.1 percent from one year prior. Perhaps even more telling is the fact that Q2 marked the seventh consecutive quarter of flat to-single-digit... Read more...
Big news out of Apple this week: Bob Mansfield, Apple's senior vice president of Hardware Engineering, is retiring. It's a big decision due to Apple's dominance on hardware in the past few years. Even those who don't approve of Apple's approaches would have a tough time saying that their design aspects are poor. Bob... Read more...
Big news in gaming this week if you're a fan of the survival-horror-meets-FPS series Dead Space; the third game in the series is scheduled to launch within the next 12 months. The original game, Dead Space, centered around deep space repair engineer Isaac Clarke's mission to investigate a mysterious distress call from the USG Ishimura and... Read more...
Some people would have you believe that PC gaming is all but dead, nothing more than a decrepit reminder of the early days of videogames, and one that's on life support as publishers and developers switch their focus to dedicated consoles and mobile platforms. They are, of course, dead wrong. So wrong, in fact, that... Read more...
We swear we are not making this up. We know, we know, this is April 1st, the worst day of the year to try and persuade you to believe us, but this is the real thing. A Canadian developer, Dr. Peter Jansen, has been working on making tricorders. Yes, tricorders, as in the fictional devices that Star Trek writers used as convenient foils for... Read more...
The time has come to announce the winners our of latest giveaway! As most of you probably know, this time around, we teamed up with our friends at Gigabyte to give away a few of pieces of HOT hardware. Up for grabs, we had a Z68 series, Z68XP-UD3P motherboard, a GeForce GTX 560 N56GOC-IGI graphics card, and a Force K3 keyboard and M6900 mouse Read more...
After all these years, LaCie's storage hardware still looks better than storage hardware from pretty much any other vendor. And if you're starting up a small business, you may be interested in what the company's got on offer now. This week, LaCie announced the 5big Office Series, its latest five-bay network attached... Read more...
Fans of Google's Android platform are proving to be a patient lot. It hasn't been easy pulling for Android in the tablet space, which for a period of time was limited to a few overpriced and underwhelming Gingerbread slates. Things began to change when Honeycomb came out, the first version of Android designed specifically for tablets, but... Read more...
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