Western Digital My Net N900 HD Dual-Band Router Review
Quick! What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Western Digital? If you're like most people, you immediately thought of hard drives and other storage products, which have been WD's bread and butter for several decades now. But the times, they are a changin', and in case you haven't noticed, Western Digital is no longer content to simply take residence in your PC. That became evident when Western Digital dove into the media player market with its WD TV line-up of set-top boxes, but why stop at owning the living room when you can lord over the entire manor? Unable to come up with a viable answer to that question, Western Digital decided to do just that by launching its very first line of wireless home networking products.
Western Digital sent us its WD My Net N900 HD dual-band wireless router to take for a spin. It's one of a half dozen new networking products and the company's flagship model, sans internal storage (for those who need or want integrated storage, there's the My Net N900 Central with 1TB or 2TB hard drives baked in)...
Western Digital My Net N900 HD Dual-Band Router Review