A new Apple patent has emerged that shows a new, more immersive 3D desktop GUI, which looks essentially like cover flow but for applications instead of just for items within Finder windows. It also seems like an incredibly obvious (though no less attractive and innovative) evolution of displaying open applications, and it will certainly allow...Read more...
Microsoft's Steven Sinofsky has published an update to the Building Windows 8 blog in which he sheds light on how Windows 8 treats the GUI differently than any previous version of the operating system. One of the concerns surrounding Windows 8 has been whether or not the operating system's new 'Metro' UI would supplant the more conventional...Read more...
The nascent tablet market segment has already strained the Wintel alliance; both Microsoft and Intel have made marketing/strategic decisions that the other isn't fond of. Intel's recent financial analyst day has only made things worse; Microsoft is quite unhappy with the CPU manufacturer's remarks regarding Windows 8...Read more...
Tablets and mobile devices are central to Microsoft's plans for CES 2011. In addition to its demo of an early Windows 8 build running on ARM CPUs, the software giant will be demonstrating a number of tablets running Windows 7. If this sounds familiar it's because Microsoft did much the same thing last year—but very little came of the...Read more...
This one would make Vernon Reid proud -- or maybe not? Regardless, here's a little something for Sunday night kick-back and amusement. If you've ever played Guitar Hero and attempted Living Color's song, Cult of Personality on any setting but easy, you'll know why some axe-slinging musicians are called "heroes". With...Read more...
Whoops, don't start strumming yet. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Performance Designed Products (PDP) announced on Thursday a voluntary recall of the Rage Wireless Guitar controller for the Nintendo Wii. As the CPSC announcement says: Hazard: A circuit board defect can cause AA batteries used in the guitar to leak if...Read more...
Tired of playing Trogdor and Freebird over and over? Maybe help is on the way. Representatives of the remaining Beatles are in discussions with the makers of both the Guitar Hero and Rock Band video games. Activision and MTV Games are after a deal for the most sought-after catalog of music ever. A final deal would be worth several million...Read more...
You probably remember the Megan Meier case, in which a teenage girl committed suicide after a MySpace romance went bad. The romance itself and the boy involved were in fact fictional, perpetrated as a vindictive prank by the mother of a former friend who lived down the street.A Missouri woman who prosecutors say drove a 13-year-old neighbour...Read more...
The New York State Supreme Court issued a ruling today against Dell and Dell Financial Services (DFS), finding the company guilty of "fraud, false advertising, deceptive business practices, and abusive debt collection practices." The ruling is the end result of a lawsuit filed by New York State Attorney General, Andrew M Cuomo, in May 2007....Read more...
Activision keeps on rockin' with the mega-popular Guitar Hero brand. The gaming giant just announced plans for the next installment of the shreddin' series. Get ready, 'cause Guitar Hero: World Tour is set to hit shelves before the holiday season.In response to the racket created by Rock Band, Activision has turned up the volume with a new...Read more...
A common knock on the wildly popular Guitar Hero console gamer is that it's a shame that people don't just learn how to play the guitar instead. It's easier to play the actual guitar than many songs on Guitar Hero on its most challenging setting, after all. Perhaps the critics were wrong about Guitar Hero siphoning off interest in the actual...Read more...
Linux fans felt as though Wal-Mart's decision to retail inexpensive computers that use Linux for their operating system meant that the free, open source software would finally break out into general public. Oh yeah, and Ron Paul's going to be President. "This really wasn't what our customers were looking for," said Wal-Mart Stores Inc....Read more...
The Asus Eee PC is a nifty laptop. And it became a sort of talisman of hope for Linux fans. Windows Vista demands too many resources for a stripped down lappie, and Linux seemed to fit the bill for the OS. The 800 pound gorilla at Microsoft is still XP, and it's in the room with the penguin now.Asus has formally launched its bonsai...Read more...
The sale price alone is worth the story, but that's not the best part. A Canadian dad, ebay username of k_lid, sold his son's Guitar Hero III game (for the Nintendo Wii) on eBay for $9,100.01 after catching him smoking pot in the backyard with two of his "delinquent" friends."I am now finding it hard to justify rewarding him with this...Read more...
Just in case you’re not keeping count, we wanted to let you all know that there are only 10 more shopping days left until Christmas! If you, or anyone you know, are in the market for a laptop, do yourself a favor and check out the Asus Holiday Gift Guide available right here on HotHardware.Asus has special pricing on a number of their...Read more...
Each year we undergo a time-honored tradition of bringing you a few our picks for the hottest in Computing gear for the holidays. This year, whether you're interested in a new graphics card for rendering 3D bump-mapped sugar plums in your head, a new CPU to crunch under the mistletoe or if you've been a really good geek, an entire...Read more...
As the year draws to an end and the holiday shopping season begins, we here at HotHardware have a time-honored tradition of bringing our faithful readers our annual Holiday Buyer's Guide. We hope that our Holiday Guide will help you make informed buying decisions, whether you're looking for a couple of parts to put into your own...Read more...
If you haven't stopped by our Asus HOT Holiday Gift Guide yet, you're missing out. The deals we have on a few very solid Asus notebooks are well, HOT! And who wouldn't like a nice, sleek jet-black or screamin-yellow Lamborghini for the holidays?...Read more...
Software unlocking of the iPhone has been a source of threats from AT&T. However, there is an exemption in the DMCA that allows software unlocking of phones - the question has been what will happen if that's tested against a commercial product. In this case, an open source, free product, there's no recourse, except for a ROM change that...Read more...
There's an awful lot of fanboi jawing about which video game platform is the best. And of course, besides the big three console gamers, there's always the hardcore overclocker crowd getting every last shader going while saving the universe. But what might be obscured in the friendly joshing is that video game hardware and software sales...Read more...
Intel Releases Energy Star Implementation Guidelines New paper developed in conjunction with the EPA designed to aid system integrators in developing more energy-efficient platforms SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 19, 2007 - Intel Corporation announced today that it has released a new implementation guide, developed in conjunction with the U.S....Read more...
What's worse? The fact that these guys were shamming investors or were so lacking in creativity that they named their plan "deep, deep, s..."? "According to the SEC complaint, Todd used "improper and extraordinary transactions" as part of a plan to "close the gap" between analysts' expectations and Gateway's revenues. Manza...Read more...