Items tagged with drone

There are very few products that have genuinely made me go "wow", but I can safely add the Nixie drone camera to that modest list. Over the past couple of years, drones have become popular enough to the point where a new release doesn't excite most people. But Nixie is different. It's a drone that you wear, like a... Read more...
Maybe your kids or grandchildren will inherit a world where delivery drones are the norm, but for now, the Federal Aviation Administration is keeping a close and cautious eye on these unmanned aircraft. Current restrictions are so tight that the University of Michigan had to cancel plans to have a drone deliver the... Read more...
Drones aren't what they used to be. Once reserved for tactical purposes, drones of all shapes, sizes, and prices are flying around now, with Parrot enabling normal consumers to pick one up to goof off with, and Amazon even going so far as proposing to use drones for package delivery. Of course, Prime from the sky... Read more...
Now here’s a use for drones that we can surely all get behind: Filming a fireworks display from inside the beautiful, explosive mayhem. One Jos Stiglingh sent up a DJI Phantom 2 drone with a GoPro Hero 3 silver strapped to it and filmed a fireworks show, and the resulting video is approximately as marvelous as... Read more...
Drones aren't just good for military use, they're proving to be fun tools for the public, as well. One day in the future, aerial drones might be a part of your everyday life by delivering Amazon packages (or pizza from Dominoes) to your door, recording your backyard shenanigans, and even accompanying you on extreme... Read more...
You surely know about Parrot and its drone quadricopters, but the company is releasing a new version called the Bebop that comes loaded with impressive features, including the ability to experience POV flight via the drone’s HD camera and an Oculus Rift headset. (Incidentally, we sort of did the same thing with... Read more...
Car maker Renault took the wraps off of a new concept car called the Kwid. The crossover is immediately noticeable for its bold gray-and-yellow color scheme and gull-wing doors, but if you look closely, you’ll notice another prime feature: A drone. Yep, this car is designed to have a little drone buddy that... Read more...
Amazon never stops looking for ways to get packages to people in as little time as possible, and its latest effort on that front is shipping packages before you even order an item. Amazon is calling it “anticipatory shipping”, and the company just landed a patent for it. Simply put, Amazon will pack up... Read more...
Tonight on CBS' "60 Minutes," Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, sat down for an extended interview. Amazon is an online superstore that has morphed into a technological powerhouse on so many other levels -- tablets and eReaders included, that they're effecting a dramatic change in the way people shop. The company has... Read more...
A wise person once said that those who don't innovate simply get left behind. We can't say for sure if that person was employed by Domino's, but the famed pizza company seems to be working overtime on next-generation tactics for selling pies. The latest story to focus on drones actually has nothing to do with Google nor the military -- it's... Read more...
Callpod Introduces the Hi-Power Drone USB Bluetooth AdapterThe Drone is a Plug-n-Play Bluetooth Adapter Ideal for Skype, VoIP Calls and Stereo Music via Bluetooth, Stereo Headphones, and High-Speed Data Transfer at a Range of up to 100 meters.Callpod, Inc., an emerging leader in the mobile electronics industry introduces the Drone, a plug... Read more...
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