Parrot Takes Flight With Bebop Drone and Skycontroller

Parrot is touting its Skycontroller remote, which looks a bit like an oversized console remote at first glance. But plug your tablet or smartphone into the Skycontroller and you’re in for an entirely different experience. With the tablet as a display, The FreeFlight 3 app lets you see what the Parrot is seeing. Big Brother implications aside, the drone is fun to watch – it’s reasonably quiet and moves surprisingly quickly.
The Skycontroller has a Home button that instructs the drone to return to you its starting position (determined via GPS). The FreeFlight 3 app supports video recording, which is also activated by a button on the controller. You can add a pair of FPV glasses for privacy or to get a better viewing experience. Drones are still too new to be inexpensive, unfortunately: the Bebop and Skycontroller will set you back about $900.