We just finished up our second podcast with the folks at TechVi. In this installments we talk about our recent performance tests on USB 3.0 and SATA 6G drives, Dave breaks down a "consumer level" $800 SSD with massive performance, plus two new notebooks running Intel’s CULV processors and a deep look at the Moto Droid. Show...Read more...
Verizon's DROID from Motorola finally goes on sale today & offers many things the iPhone just can't, like taking pictures in low light settings, a hardware keyboard, running simultaneous applications, a 5-megapixel camera, interchangeable batteries, and open development for the platform. The features are there but are they enough to convince...Read more...
There's no denying that the Motorola DROID is receiving a lot of hype. Not only is this phone a big deal for Motorola, who has struggled to produce widely successful handsets since the famous RAZR flip phone, but the DROID is also the first handset that will be released as part of a partnership between Google and Verizon Wireless. Combine...Read more...
Verizon has pulled no punches against AT&T and the iPhone of late. In addition to the "Droid Does" ad which has garnered rave reviews, they've also done the "There's a Map for That" ad which points at the lack of 3G support nationwide on AT&T. However, AT&T feels that ad is misleading, and has sued. The "There's a Map For That"...Read more...
The new Motorola Droid isn't Verizon's only upcoming Android smartphone. In addition to the much-hyped handset which is set to arrive on Friday, the wireless carrier is also planning to unleash the Droid Eris this week. It appears the Droid Eris is a modified HTC Hero, a handset that is currently available as an Android 1.5 device from Sprint....Read more...
No interest in waiting until November 6th to fight the lines at your local Verizon Wireless store? No interest in waiting for a $100 mail-in rebate that may or may not ever arrive? Best Buy Mobile has your back. The big box retailer has announced that it's taking pre-orders for the Motorola Droid--the world's first...Read more...
After a series of teaser ads that attack Apple’s iPhone, Motorola and Verizon Wireless officially unveiled the Droid smartphone today. The Motorola Droid has a 3.7-inch capacitive touchscreen that is larger than the iPhone’s display and has a resolution of 480x854 pixels. The phone also offers a slide-out keyboard yet still manages to be only...Read more...
If you’ve been following news and announcements surrounding the Android operating system, you may have picked up on the fact that Google hasn’t announced Android 2.0 or the SDK. An official announcement hasn’t stopped Verizon from talking about this new OS, however. In fact, Verizon has said the upcoming Motorola Droid will run Android version...Read more...
Motorola's CLIQ hasn't even shipped to T-Mobile USA customers, and already the outfit's "comeback phone" (not to mention its first-ever Android phone) is being greatly overshadowed. And by another phone in the Motorola family, no less. In a rather odd move on Moto's part, the company has seemingly tied the knot with Verizon Wireless for its...Read more...
The Android based G1 (or Google) phone sold exclusively in the states by T-Mobile apparently executes typed text entered in any text entry box including on a web page or in the address book. Handsets running Android release 1.0 TC4-RC29 or earlier are affected by this flaw. What makes matters worse is the fact that the commands are executed...Read more...
As many T-Mobile G1 users are waiting for the RC29 update that started rolling out a few days ago to hit their phones, Google is already in the process of releasing another update.Generally speaking, people welcome updates with open arms, hoping that the update will improve their phone’s functionality. This update has a few people upset, however....Read more...
We’re not so sure what to think of this: According to recent reports, Sprint’s CEO Dan Hesse reportedly made a comment to the National Press Club in Washington, saying that Android (in its current form) is not “good enough to put the Sprint brand on it.” Although we can’t weigh in on Android’s usefulness with much personal experience quite...Read more...
Heads-up: Apple isn’t the only one implementing remote kill switches for applications in their phones. According to recent reports, the Android platform has one, too. The thing is: At least Google owns up to it up front (instead of allowing a developer to discover it like Apple did) by including a mention in the Android Market terms of service,...Read more...
The launch of the Google's first Android phone, the T-Mobile G1, was both widely anticipated and highly covered. Of course, one big negative, one frequently pointed out as a real problem for the iPhone as well, is the associated carrier with the device. T-Mobile has the smallest 3G footprint of any major carrier, and additionally...Read more...
In a glitzy multimedia event reminiscent of some other high-profile phone we probably don't need to mention, Google and T-Mobile today introduced the T-Mobile G1, the first Android-based cell phone. Pricing and availability details (that's all you care about, right?) are as follows:Existing T-Mobile customers can order today. However,...Read more...
For some time now, rumors of the GPhone (or Google phone) have been circulating around the web. While it didn't make a whole lot of sense that Google was going to get into the hardware business, especially the highly competitive handset business, it seemed reasonable that Google had an interest in the handheld market for...Read more...