Android Isn’t Good Enough Yet, Says Sprint CEO
We’re not so sure what to think of this: According to recent reports, Sprint’s CEO Dan Hesse reportedly made a comment to the National Press Club in Washington, saying that Android (in its current form) is not “good enough to put the Sprint brand on it.”
Although we can’t weigh in on Android’s usefulness with much personal experience quite yet, this is a very strong comment, especially given the fact that Android is the first truly revolutionary thing to happen to mobile phones in a while. Thankfully, Hesse didn’t completely rule out the possibility of an Android phone in the future. We’ve heard rumors of a delay in a Sprint Android phone before, so maybe, just maybe, the two have something to do with one another. Still, we hope Sprint doesn’t waste too much time and loose all of its thunder in the process. In comparison to Verizon Wireless and AT&T, Sprint has struggled recently to attract and keep customers. We appreciate Hesse’s honesty and willingness to be upfront, but we also hope Sprint is working on an Android handset and will release one before too long. After all, it might be one of the ways the company can help itself out of these harder times.
Only time will tell what the future holds for Sprint and the Android platform. We can only hope this delay in releasing an Android phone will pay off with an even more polished device in due time. In the meantime, Sprint users who are dying to get their hands on an Android phone will have to consider jumping ship to T-Mobile.