Items tagged with Crytek

Normally we don't cover games that are still in alpha. While beta coverage is typically a good example of how final gameplay is shaping up, alpha is a time when major design elements are still in flux. We're making an exception for Crysis 3's recent multiplayer test, however, to highlight just how gorgeous the game already is. Hi there! Last... Read more...
When Epic Games demoed the Unreal 4 engine earlier next year, Crytek barely batted an eyelash. The company's new trailer for the upcoming Crysis 3 is evidence of why. The game environments are stunning, and the company swears the footage its showing is drawn from real-world gameplay. The game engine is flexible; it... Read more...
From NVIDIA Public Relations:Today, Crytek released the version 1.1 patch for Crysis. This patch improves 3D performance in single and SLI mode. For optimal SLI performance with the patch, you will need to use the v169.28 graphics driver. It can be downloaded at the following link: We are... Read more...
It's Christmas Day. What the heck are you doing? Fire up Crysis and install this new Christmas present from them: an official Crysis Tournament Mappack. Thing is, Santa didn't drop it down the chimney and it's not on the Crytek site (at least, it's not easy to find).In a way that's probably good: anyone else annoyed at how you have to enter... Read more...
The team at InCrysis had a bit of a heart to heart with Crytek CEO, Cevat Yerli and NVIDIA's VP of Content Relations, Roy Taylor, in sort of a state-of-the-nation fashoin that offers a bit of insight as to what's going on with game play, the engine itself and performance optimizations that both companies are working hard on.  There is... Read more...
Crysis the highly anticipated shooter from Crytek, might not be able to run in all of its graphical glory on the XBox 360 and Playstation 3. Both next generation consoles lack the ability to render certain effects made possible by Microsoft's DirectX 10, which will be made available with Windows Vista.... Read more...
Good afternoon folks!  Jeff is all packed up and is enroute to his new home in North Carolina, so he won't be around for the next few days to cover his normal news shift.  Don't fret though!  I will be here to make sure you get your daily dose of hardware goodness!  So far today, the news is coming in at a decent clip -... Read more...
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