Items tagged with Adamo

Dell's decision to go private (and Microsoft's $2B investment) are big news in the tech world today, but there's precious little in the way of hard evidence for why Michael Dell decided to buy back the company he founded as a college student back in 1984. The Microsoft angle has gotten a lot of press, but it's not the... Read more...
Wow, talk about dying out quick. Dell's XPS 14 has only been on sale for less than half a year, but already the company is confirming that it has been discontinued. This news comes just days after HP decided to cancel the Envy 13 while letting their 14" ultraportable pick up the slack. Clearly, Dell's not having the same story running with... Read more...
Dell's Adamo laptop, which hasn't matched the MacBook Air in terms of popularity or sales, has just seen its price dropped from $999, a Christmas present for ultra-thin laptop lovers who also love Dell. The $999 version had a 1.4GHz Core 2 Duo chip and 2GB of memory. The $899 model carries a 2.13GHz Core 2 Duo processor and 4GB of memory.... Read more...
Last week we reported that Dell's Adamo XPS was apparently dead after it vanished from the company's website, online store, and was listed as out-of-stock everywhere but a handful of Best Buys. It didn't make sense for Dell to have canceled the product just three months after shipping, but customer service reps at both Dell and BB were reporting... Read more...
Not every high-end, haute couture product turns out to be a bestseller—even Steve Jobs had the Cube—but it's rather odd for a manufacturer to design, advertise, tease, and launch a product only to pull it off the market barely four months later. Nevertheless, that's the news from Dell on the Adamo XPS. The Adamo... Read more...
The magic price point for many seems to be $1,000, and thus, following an earlier price cut to the sleek and sexy Dell Adamo, Dell has lowered the price still further, at least for an "entry-level" model. The Dell Adamo Aspire sneaks in under $1,000 for a $999 starting price.Of course, that's the starting price. The Dell Adamo Desire comes... Read more...
Dell sure has been teasing this machine long enough, and finally we're able to stop wondering and start digesting. What we have here today is the planet's thinnest laptop. Granted, that record seems to be broken and re-set about every other month now, but honestly, we'll be shocked if someone makes a notebook thinner... Read more...
Remember Dell's Adamo XPS that was teased back in early September? Almost a month later, Dell is looking to grab some more attention by introducing two new shots of the 9.99mm-thin notebook. We're still not given much to think on, but the two new images of the Adamo XPS confirm that a 3.5mm headphone jack is present, at least one full-sized... Read more...
There isn't much to go on yet, but Dell's still-young Adamo lineup is about to grow by 1. Or by 9.99, depending on what measure you're looking at. Just a few months after Dell introduced the standard Adamo--which was amazingly sleek and thin in its right--the company has now confessed that another Adamo is on the way.The Adamo XPS, as it will... Read more...
Perhaps as an effort to counter what Apple achieved with the MacBook Air, Dell is introducing the new Adamo. Touted as the world’s thinnest laptop, the Adamo features a visually striking thin profile and three-toned outer finish. Adamo, pronounced "A-dahm-o," means "to fall in love with" in Latin. Dell is certainly hoping you’ll fall in love... Read more...
We wrote earlier about the Dell Adamo, or at least, the Dell Adamo website and the various clues around the Web about what was rumored to be a MacBook Air competitor. It seems that there is now confirmation. It all started when the New York Times Bits blog noticed a blurb (since removed) at luxury lifestyle site that said:"Rumor... Read more...