Items tagged with 3D printing

Every so often, there's a product category that truly transcends, and you can tell from the get-go that it's going to have a massive impact on society if given enough time. 3D printing is one of those things. It has already taken off in the hacker / Maker-space, and there are plenty of Kickstarter success stories... Read more...
Make no mistake: the world is 3D printing has become an incredibly interesting one, and one that's growing at breakneck pace. What was once a hobby for high-end science labs has quickly become a favorite amongst average consumers, and now, companies far and wide. Ford has just published a video showing an engineer... Read more...
Once in a while there's a sort of early confluence in technology, where the writing is on the wall for all to see and the opportunity so obvious that the big guns turn their sites to it. Back in the heyday of 3D graphics there were more manufacturers clamoring over each other in the space than you could shake a dynamically-lit, bump-mapped... Read more...
There was little doubt before about 3D printing having a real future, but at the moment, the industry is on fire. Mere weeks ago, Microsoft announced that Windows 8.1 would be natively supporting 3D printing, a major boon to those who need it. Today, we learn of yet another way that 3D printing is getting into the... Read more...
There are a slew of new features reportedly coming to Windows 8.1, formerly codenamed Windows "Blue." From the passionately requested Start/Boot to Desktop, to simple things like additional Live Tile sizes, to universal Bing search from within any app in Windows, Microsoft is planning a major-league update with this... Read more...
3D printers have been getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. With them, people can build their own usable objects, as we've seen time and time again, without the dependency of a third-party. So far, many 3D printers have had a similar design - material would be printed out, layer by layer, until the... Read more...
Where 3D printers are concerned, two things are certain: prices are continuing to plummet, and people are going to continue creating some amazing stuff. Just yesterday, we talked about how a 3D printed splint was created to help save a baby's life, and I'm certain that won't be the last time we hear of such a thing. This past December, a 3D... Read more...
If you were one of those people who thought that 3D printing would take off in a big way, you have plenty of evidence to back you up these days. The printers have been used to create the things you'd expect, like guns and phone cases, but they've also been used to create an exoskeleton that helped a toddler with a rare disease use her arms.... Read more...
3D printing is a fascinating new technology and an exploding new market. The process involved is pretty basic actually. Heat up some plastic, and sort of like that Play-Doh Fun Factory you were so fond of as a kid, you extrude the melted plastic out to create objects of magnificence -- because you built it yourself... It all started back in... Read more...
We had the absolute pleasure of attending Maker Faire 2012 in New York last weekend, where we got to see first hand the hubbub surrounding 3D printing, a promising technology that's been receiving so much attention lately, and rightfully so. It's clear to us and to many others that 3D printing isn't a passing fad, but... Read more...
We headed down to Maker Faire 2012 in New York this weekend to check out the expo's massive spread of engineering awesomeness and creativity in the fields of robotics, electronics, computing and much more.  When you arrive at the fair, the first thing that strikes you is how completely organic the whole scene is.  Inventors, creators,... Read more...
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