Social Networking, Internet Lifestyle And Security News

Passionate about net neutrality? Facebook privacy issues freaking you out? Want to know more about the latest security breach? Here we'll cover the headlines that matter in our ever evolving digitally-connected lives and lifestyles around the world.

We don’t often call out our blog posts in the news, but we thought this topic would be great to spur some discussion. J.D. just posted a little something in our Something Social blog titled, “Google+: The Best Thing That Could Have Happened To Facebook (And Its Users)”. Some of the most common... Read more...
Do you hear that noise? It sounds like pacing, which we imagine is what Mark Zuckerberg spends a fair amount of time doing these days as he contemplates how to fend off Google+ from one day becoming the world's largest social networking site. And before you dismiss that notion, consider this: in less than a month... Read more...
Welp, here goes. Google just opened fire on Facebook, Skype and who knows who else. The company has tried for years to properly get into the social networking field, and it has become somewhat of a running joke at this point. There's Wave, Buzz, and lots of other dead Google dreams, but the Google+ Project may be the... Read more...
Well, maybe hacking does pay off. George Hotz, a young fellow with a bright future (and a history of breaking into iPhone software) has found his next gig: it's in Palo Alto, and Mark Zuckerberg is his boss. Yep, he's going to Facebook. The social networking company isn't saying what he's going to do while there, but it's still pretty wild... Read more...
The state of California is currently considering a bill (SB761) that, if passed in its current form, would require websites to ask visitors for permission before tracking them via cookies. While there are already apps and add-ons that allow web surfers to manually control what cookies they accept or refuse, the new... Read more...
Google may still be considering a dive into the music realm, but they aren't considering going head to head with Twitter or Facebook, despite rumors. Google has shown in the past that they aren't scared to battle with the best. Google TV challenged the entire DVR model, and Android has obviously done well against iOS. And some were suggesting... Read more...
General Motors has been pushing OnStar in their vehicles for what feels like forever. At this point, OnStar and GM just go hand-in-hand. We've come to expect it in new GM vehicles. But the technology hasn't really evolved a whole lot over the years, at least to technology driven consumers. But the world has moved on... Read more...
Google has been an innovator for years now. They fundamentally changed the way we searched for items on the Internet, and for many, they have changed how one perceives email. Gmail and Google (search engine) are both best-in-class tools, and the Android operating system is seriously challenging iPhone OS and webOS... Read more...
Preacher: "It's official on Facebook, it's official in my book!"We kid you not, that's the quote from a pastor who officiated a recent wedding between two obvious tech nerds. Dana Hanna, a recently married dude from Maryland, actually paused his own wedding after the pastor announced that he and his wife were now... Read more...
As a company, Google has never really been one to sit back and just watch what the other guys are doing; instead, the company is continuously venturing into new areas. Now, they’re looking to get in on the social networking action by going head-to-head with Facebook’s newly launched Connect. Similarly named, Google’s new Friend Connect makes... Read more...
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