Search Results For: verizon.aspx

Hot on the heels of the news that Verizon is doubling LTE speeds with XLTE, the company announced that it will rolling out VoLTE (Voice over LTE) service to its nationwide network at some point later this year. “Choosing a national rollout on the nation’s largest 4G LTE network, Verizon can deliver a... Read more...
In case you were wondering -- and it would only be natural, given AT&T's recent move -- Verizon Wireless is not the least bit interested in acquiring satellite provider Dish Network. So says Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam, who is well aware of the rumors floating around suggesting Big Red and Dish Network might become... Read more...
No need to brace yourself for this one, but in case you were wondering, Americans are typically dissatisfied with their cable and Internet service providers (ISPs). That won't be shocking to most, but lest there was any doubt, numbers from the American Consumer Satisfaction Index show that cable companies and ISPs are... Read more...
Verizon, for all its done on net neutrality and other issues to anger consumers, has been the industry leader in 4G LTE deployments, and the company is stepping things up a notch on that front. Actually, by “a notch” we mean “doubling”; Verizon is deploying a new service called XLTE on Monday... Read more...
For a company that's ultra obsessed with asking, "Can you hear me now?," Verizon Wireless is unusually quiet about getting its paws on the Developer Edition of Samsung's Galaxy S5 smartphone. Nevertheless, Big Red has it and it's yours for the taking if you have a spare $600 weighing you down. It's pricey, no argument... Read more...
Thanks to the whistle blowing efforts of former CIA contract work Edward Snowden, we're now often reminded by just how little privacy we really have. Transparency reports alone provide a glimpse into how active the U.S. government is when it comes to homeland security and how interested officials are in our daily... Read more...
T-Mobile's whole "un-carrier" strategy seems to be resonating with wireless subscribers, both new and old. In regards to the former, T-Mobile reported 2.4 million total net customer additions, including over 1.3 million branded postpaid net customer additions during the first quarter of 2014 -- that's more than... Read more...
Oh Verizon Wireless, must you be so nosy? It's one thing for the government to spy on our every movement under the guise of great justice and all that jazz, but in attempt to fatten shareholder's wallets, Verizon is "enhancing" its Relevant Mobile Advertising program by spying on its customers and selling their usage... Read more...
The FCC has confirmed that it will hold a May 15 vote on a new set of policies governing net neutrality and ISP behavior -- but according to the Wall Street Journal, the commission's proposed regulation will effectively kill the idea of a level playing field. The Wall Street Journal reports that the proposed rules would prevent ISPs from blocking... Read more...
Ever since terrestrial broadcasters shut down their stations and went off the air, the FCC has been mulling what to do with sections of spectrum and how that wireless space should be allocated between wireless broadcasters and other types of use. It's a complicated issue, in that much of the frequency in question is... Read more...
There’s a rumor that Google may jump into the wireless provider game, which would be huge news except for the fact that Google wouldn’t be launching a fifth competing wireless network; it would simply function as an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), reselling one of the big four’s services. The... Read more...
In the high stakes game of mobile, wireless carriers have been flirting with a price war. That's not to say it's exactly cheap to rush out and sign up a family of four to a mobile phone plan in which all four members have a smartphone and generous data allotment, though prices are certainly coming down. The latest to... Read more...
Two of the biggest telecoms in the U.S. -- AT&T and Verizon Communications -- are on a mission to make landlines nothing more than a footnote in the history of telecommunication. One state at a time, the two companies are lobbying for permission to replace POTS -- the copper-wired landline phone system -- with... Read more...
It might not be the most cost-effective solution for smartphone owners, but paying for installment plans that allow subscribers to break up the retail cost of their handsets into monthly payments in exchange for being able to upgrade more frequently are proving somewhat popular, especially among smartphone... Read more...
The marketing team at Verizon Wireless has tried to hammer home that Big Red's network is the most reliable in the nation, and now they have a study to lean on when making that claim. RootMetrics, a company that specializes in mapping out wireless coverage (you might also know the firm by Root Wireless), conducted a... Read more...
Verizon Wireless has long since ditched its unlimited data plan (save for those who are grandfathered in), but in the absence of bringing that back, the wireless carrier just rolled out its "More Everything" plan starting at $45 per month. Straight to the point, Verizon Wireless is giving subscribers more of... Read more...
Sometimes, it feels like some companies keep a potential product on hand just in case it needs to be launched to help dampen some fire. In Lumia Icon's case, that fire is yesterday's rumor that Nokia is soon to be getting into the Android market, with a supposed reveal to happen at this month's Mobile World Congress... Read more...
The fight over net neutrality is ongoing, and the most recent punch thrown took the form of a letter that several U.S. senators, including Senator Al Franken, wrote to new FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, urging him to act quickly to fight back against a recent court ruling that vacated the anti-discrimination and... Read more...
A new wireless survey conducted by J.D. Power suggests that AT&T customers are the happiest with their carrier's customer support. AT&T scored 793 out of a 1,000 point scale, taking the top spot among full-service wireless carriers. Verizon came in a close second with a score of 788, enough to top the industry... Read more...
Suddenly, mobile carriers are falling all over each other to woo customers, promising better and better deals and offering increasingly lucrative incentives to switch carriers. The latest shot in the volley is from AT&T, which is now promising a 10GB family data plan with unlimited talk and text with its AT&T... Read more...
Like him or hate him, T-Mobile CEO John Legere is good for the mobile industry. He seems a little crazy, but crazy like a fox. The things he says in public are usually rather spot on, although his latest comments are more interesting if you read between the lines. His company and Sprint are looking at a merger, which... Read more...
Over the past few weeks, net neutrality has seen serious challenges from the likes of Verizon and AT&T. Verizon won a court case in which the FCC's rules on net neutrality were effectively gutted, while AT&T introduced a new pricing plan for content providers called Sponsored Data, which pushes companies like... Read more...
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