Search Results For: nexus.aspx
With Android 5.0 'Lollipop' having officially released yesterday, the game is on to predict when the myriad of supported devices will actually receive their update. Word has it that Google's recent Nexus lineup (4, 5, 7, and 10) will be one of the first to receive the OTA update, while select phones, like the Moto G...
Motorola has announced the new Nexus 6 smartphone, which will be running on Android 5.0 Lollipop. It is the result of Motorola working in conjunction with Google’s Android team and it appears that Google is looking to directly compete with Apple on the phablet front with this new device. Just like prior reports...
The unveiling of Apple's next iPhone is expected to take place next Tuesday, but despite that, the rumor train surrounding the device refuses to slow down. Late last week, we reported that the iPhone 6 could include an NFC chip under its hood, and as far as many Apple fans are concerned, that's long overdue. Now, we...
It might be called the HTC Volantis, but what it's set to become is the next tablet in Google's Nexus line. Dubbed Nexus 9, this 8.9-inch tablet is expected to feature a 2048x1440 resolution (281 ppi), 2GB of RAM, 16 and 32GB storage options, an 8 megapixel camera at the back and a 3 megapixel one up front...
Get, it, “killer”? “Shamu”? Fine, never mind moving on: A rumor has emerged that Motorola may be developing a handset called “Shamu”, a 5.9-inch smartphone that could be a new Nexus device. Android Police says it sources further indicate that the device will have a fingerprint...
It should come as no surprise given the large number of rumors lately, but Google's just hit the Nexus 5 with the latest version of Android, 4.4.3. If for some reason you're not receiving an OTA notifier yet, it should come soon. For those not patient enough to wait, there are some steps to perform a manual update...
Working together, Google and ASUS have produced some of the best 7-inch Android tablets ever released - I still use and love my first-gen model. Given the overall success of Nexus 7, it seemed likely that both companies would again work together on a third iteration, but sometimes the tech world can throw a curveball...
When Google's Nexus 10 came out in late 2012, it proved to be a great choice for those looking to get a larger tablet - and even today, it still has respectable specs. But, a span of 17 months since its original launch and the fact that it hasn't seen an update since shows that we're long overdue for an update...
Google has accumulated a fair amount of street cred with its Nexus line of mobile devices, some of which are best-in-class gadgets. Take for example the Nexus 7, still one of our favorite 7-inch Android tablets and arguably the best choice among a growing field of competitors. The Nexus brand certainly carriers a...
Nexus owners are a lucky bunch, and savvy too, for having picked devices that are promised Android updates pretty much as soon as they're available. This has been especially beneficial to Nexus 5 smartphone owners (see our review) the past few days, as Google's been pushing out some incremental KitKat updates one...
Leaks are all-too-common in the tech industry, and really, they can come from virtually anywhere. Sometimes, people at the source of the product manufacturing could spill the beans, and other times, people at the company's HQ can feel a little mischievous. Sometimes, it could even be a completely unrelated party, such...
From smartphones to tablets to notebooks to a TV stick, Google has been working with manufacturers to make some great products for some time. What's next? According to a new rumor: a car. Yes, a car. It's no secret that Google has been working hard on its self-driving car technology, but apparently the company has...
There's never a dull moment in the smartphone market, with the latest pique of interest owing its thanks to Google and LG. Rumor has it that Google's next smartphone, the Nexus 5, will be produced by LG (which designed the Nexus 4), and be based on LG's own G2 (announced a couple of weeks ago). One thing that really sets the G2 apart from...
If you've been patiently waiting for an Android 4.3-based CyanogenMod to arrive, prepare to get excited. Well, as long as you're the type that doesn't mind playing around with entirely experimental software, that is. On its official G+ page, the developers behind CyanogenMod say that not all devices are supported at the moment, but those that...
It appears that Google's latest Nexus 7 (one we highly recommend) has some GPS issues that are plaguing those who'd like to take advantage of the feature. Hundreds of posts were made both to the XDA Developers site and also Google Groups, and at least one Google employee has come forward to say that the company is "looking into it." The extent...
When Google launched its Nexus 10, and it happened to be produced by Samsung, not ASUS, it seemed up in the air whether or not ASUS was going to be out of the picture from that point forward. Well, thanks to a new FCC filing, we can see that ASUS remains safe and sound - it just appears that it's going to be...
There may come a day when our children or grandchildren can enjoy their mobile devices with boundless battery life, but that day seems woefully far off. Currently, poor battery life is the bain of all mobile devices; if you don’t have to plug your phone in to make it through the day without it dying...
It’s the little things that make life sweet, and here’s one for those who want to use the Google Keyboard but don’t have a Google Nexus device: Google is releasing its stock keyboard as a free app in the Google Play store, and it’ll work on any device running Android 4.0 and higher. Google...
A couple of weeks ago, rumor got out that Google had plans to open up its own retail stores, a la Apple or Microsoft, and for the most part, it seemed to make a ton of sense. After all, what better way to get your products in the faces of consumers than going straight to them? There's also the fact that Android is a hot product, and Google...
Why, it seems like only yesterday we were posting about the new Google Glass website and its beta-ish program for excited souls who wanted to test out the $1,500 specs themselves. Actually, it was two days ago, but there’s already more information available: according to The Verge and CNET, Google plans to offer...
It’s a big day for Canonical, maker of Ubuntu; in addition to today being the official launch of the Ubuntu-optimized Steam for Linux client, the company announced that the Touch Developer Preview of Ubuntu for smartphones will be coming on February 21st (along with tools for flashing devices). It looks like...
Could Motorola be the company in charge of designing the next Nexus phone? Hard to say for sure, but a new report from The Wall Street Journal suggests that Google is finally making good on its purchase of Motorola Mobility, and the results could be astounding. In a bid to directly compete with the iPhone, Samsung's...