Seagate Momentus XT Solid State Hybrid Preview

For our next set of tests, we used SiSoft SANDRA, the the System ANalyzer, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant. Here, we used the Physical Disk test suite and provided the results from our comparison SSDs. The benchmarks were run without formatting and read and write performance metrics are detailed below. We have also included SANDRA's detailed graph so you are able to see how the drive performs over time along with the average rated result.

SiSoft SANDRA 2010
Synthetic Benchmarks

Seagate Momentus XT

WD Scorpio Blue

Seagate Barracuda 7200.11

Patriot Zephyr 128GB

The Seagate Momentus XT performs like a standard hard drive in the SiSoft SANDRA Physical Disk benchmark. It finished about 1MB/s ahead of the WD Scorpio Blue in terms of Read bandwidth.

Seagate Momentus XT

WD Scorpio Blue

Seagate Barracuda 7200.11

Patriot Zephyr 128GB


SANDRA's physical disk write performance test has the Seagate Momentus XT finishing well behind the WD Scorbio Blue. We must point out, however, that this benchmark will not fully exploit the benfits of the hybrid solid state storage available on the Momentus XT. Although the spiky write performance inidicates the solid state storage is being accessed.

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