Samsung SSD 950 PRO M.2 Review: Affordable, Ultra Fast Storage

HD Tune Benchmarks

EFD Software's HD Tune is described on the company's web site as such: "HD Tune is a hard disk utility with many functions. It can be used to measure the drive's performance, scan for errors, check the health status (S.M.A.R.T.), securely erase all data and much more." The latest version of the benchmark added temperature statistics and improved support for SSDs, among a few other updates and fixes.

HD Tune v5.60 Pro
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The Samsung SSD 950 PRO M.2 had the highest average read performance of all of the drives we tested here, by far. And its burst rates were among the best for the consumer-targeted drives. Access times were a bit of a mixed bag though; the Samsung SSD 950 PRO M.2 was among the fastest in the write test, but trailed all but one drive in the read test.

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