Hybrid vs Native Dual X16 SLI: Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus vs Abit IN9 32X-MAX

WorldBench Office & Photoshop Benchmarks

PC World Magazine's Worldbench 5.0 is a new breed of Business and Professional application benchmark, that has replaced the aging and no-longer supported Content Creation and Business Winstone tests in our suite. Worldbench 5.0 consists of a number of performance modules that each utilize one, or a group of, popular applications to gauge performance.

PC World's Worldbench 5.0: Office XP SP2 & Photoshop 7 Performance
More Real-World Application Performance

Below we have the results from WB 5's Office XP SP2 and Photoshop 7 modules, recorded in seconds.  Lower times indicate better performance here, so the shorter the bar the better.



With WorldBench, we see a similar trend to our PC Mark results, with all four boards scoring nearly the same. Although the highest and lowest scores differ by as much as 10 seconds, that is not a significant difference and the scores aren't surprising considering the margin of error. Chances are, you will never notice the difference during every day usage of either program.

Tags:  Asus, ATI, sli, Hybrid, dual, x1, Abit, x16, NAT, N9, Ive, ativ, id, N3

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