Chaintech AGT61 GeForce 4 Ti 4600

The Chaintech AGT61 GeForce 4 Ti 4600 - Page 4

The Chaintech A-GT61 GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Flashy Packaging with Substance!

By - Robert Maloney
May 2, 2002

Max Payne Benchmarks
Cop with an Attitude!
Being the consummate gamer, I figured I would also give Max Payne a shot, using the benchmarking medications found on I ran the VGA demo, which uses the end-scene from the game to show the average framerate at the top of the screen. Right at the end of the scene, we recorded the last average before the screen blacked out.

The differences weren?t as major as we had seen with the other tests, especially between the two GeForces. The Radeon really dropped off, however, at the higher resolutions.

MadOnion 3D Mark 2001 SE
Synthetic DirectX 8 Goodness

Finally, lets get to MadOnion?s 3DMark2001 SE. 3DMark uses some advanced pixel and vertex shaders, and it really makes your video card do a song and dance before it will tell you if you made the band.

Once again, the GF4 beats out the competition across the board. Interestingly, the tests could not be run at higher resolutions with 2x and 4x AA on the GF3 and Radeon cards, stating that there was an error initializing the device.

 Overclocking and The Rating

Tags:  GeForce, Tech, 460, chaintech, force, GT, AG, AI

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