Chaintech AGT61 GeForce 4 Ti 4600

The Chaintech AGT61 GeForce 4 Ti 4600 - Page 3

The Chaintech A-GT61 GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Flashy Packaging with Substance!

By - Robert Maloney
May 2, 2002


Next up, a round with Sam in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. This is quickly becoming a new favorite of testers and benchmarkers, as it uses Croteam?s latest graphics engine. We ran the game using OpenGL mode, and set all settings to the highest quality.

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Move over Duke Nukem, the new Alien-bashing king has arrived

We used the ?Little Trouble? scene from the demo version to get our scores.  As you can see, the Chaintech GF4 outperformed the other two cards at every resolution, even when enabling the 2x and 4x Anti-Aliasing.  4x AA isn?t actually supported on the Radeon and GF3 cards at 1600x1200, which explains the lack of bars in that graph, but even if they did, my money would still be on the GF4!

Novalogic's Comanche 4 Benchmark
Direct 3D Testing on a leading edge Flight Sim

A newcomer to the testing scene is the Comanche 4 demo. Adding in the ?/bench? parameter to the command line allows you to choose the appropriate settings, and then kick back and watch some real action.

I have yet to grow tired of watching this demo, it?s just that fun. Just watch the explosion effects and you will see what I mean. At any rate, The GF4 keeps its winning streak alive, and just simply pulls away from the other two cards at 1600x1200. At this resolution the GF3 and the Radeon could not keep up the pace, and were a full 10 frames behind the GF4. 

3DMark 2001SE and Max Payne

Tags:  GeForce, Tech, 460, chaintech, force, GT, AG, AI

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