GL Excess
is our synthetic OpenGL benchmark of choice these days.
The eye candy is pretty impressive with these tests as well.
Dueling OpenGL |
Something new and
the legendary Q3 |
We'll save your
Quake 3 numbers for last, just to teach you a little
patients. :) Here's OpenGL in "Excessive"
And what did you
expect? More of the same neck and neck performance
versus the Visiontek offering. Interestingly enough,
we see the Asus boards trail slightly here and there.
However, with less than a 5% deviation, there are no real
conclusions to be drawn here, except that solid performance
was shown all around.
Let's Quake...
More great
performance from both the Asus and Visiontek camps here.
You've got to love 1600X1200X32 @ 99 frames per second.
But what about AA numbers? We're glad you asked...
At a resolution
of 1024X768 and color depth of 32 bit, 4X Anti-Aliased
scenes from Quake3 Arena, look fantastic. At 75 and 60
frames per second, they move as smoothly as they look.
What we've seen
with the Asus V8200T5 and T2 Deluxe products, is nothing
short of top notch quality and performance.
Additionally, with these Deluxe models, you'll get TiVo
features that you most likely won't find on many other cards
on the market these days. Conversely, we'll have to
note that both the V8200T5 Deluxe and V8200T2 Deluxe will
most likely run you $25 to $50 more than competitive
"vanilla" Geforce3 Ti200 and Ti500 cards. So, you
should should expect to pay a little more, if you plan to go
the Deluxe route. There are always Asus "Pure"
versions of both of these cards however, if you aren't
interested in the extra bells and whistles.
For now, we'll
give the Asus V8200T5 Deluxe
a HotHardware Heat Meter rating of....
And for its
fabulous over-clocking prowess, we'll give
the Asus V8200T2 Deluxe
a Heat Meter score of....
something on your mind?
Bring it on in the HotHardware PC Hardware Forum!