Asus STRIX Radeon R9 390X Review: Hawaii Gets 8GB

Tomb Raider Performance

Crystal Dynamics’ Crystal Engine got heavily modified for the Tomb Raider reboot’s PC version, and the quality shines through. And while AMD initially had a huge advantage over NVIDIA with the game’s implementation of TressFX, NVIDIA has since leveled the playing field, and testing Tomb Raider on its Ultimate quality benchmark is fair game.

Tomb Raider Performance
Lara Croft Is Still Doing Her Thing

tomb raider

tomb 1440p

tomb 4k

Thus far Nvidia’s $499 GTX 980 has had the upper hand, but things change in favor of the 390x here, and they don’t let up.

Though it’s only winning by a couple frames, it’s a meaningful victory when evaluating the price difference. And let’s check in on that 10% performance improvement claim. Yep, the promise rings true. At 1440p the 390x has a 28% gain over the 290x, and a 25% gain at 4K

Tags:  AMD, Asus, Radeon, review, strix, 390x

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