Warner Brothers Final Facepalm On Batman: Arkham Knight, Admits Defeat, Offers PC Refunds

It’s hard for us to remember when the last time a game launch was fraught with so many problems. While the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Batman: Arkham Knight launched with little drama, the PC version of the game was riddled with bugs and performance issues right out of the starting gate. Warner Bros. was forced to pull the game from brick and mortar (and digital) store shelves while developer Rocksteady Studios worked on patching all of the holes in the game.

Gamers saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel when Warner Bros. rereleased the game last week via Steam -- surely, after months in the repair shop, Batman: Arkham Knight would finally be fully polished for gamers on its second outing. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case, and gamers still experienced plenty of bugs, glitches and performance stumbles.


After what has turned out to be an absolute nightmare for all parties involved — gamers, Warner Bros. and Rocksteady Studios — Warner Bros. is finally admitting defeat. “We are very sorry that many of our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight,” wrote Warner Bros. in a blog posting. “We worked hard to get the game to live up to the standard you deserve but understand that many of you are still experiencing issues.”

Warner Bros. will offer refunds to Steam customers that are dissatisfied with the game “regardless of how long you have played the product.” Warner Bros. will even allow you to return the Season Pass as long as you return it at the same time as the original game.

And perhaps in the most telling statement of just far things have gotten out of hand with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight, the game’s publisher goes on to write, “For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues that we cannot fix.”

That’s an epic facepalm if I do say so myself and we’d be interested in learning what those unfixable problems are at this point. And it would have been nice if Warner Bros. and Rocksteady Studios had been upfront and listed those problems before offering the game again to the public.